Ask Larry

Payment Dates

Will I Continue To Receive Survivor Benefits Until I Start Getting My Own Benefits?

I'm receiving survivor benefits (2nd Wed of the month) will apply for my own social security (full retirement age August 28th) to start in January. My question is will I continue to receive my survivor benefits until that time and if so what happens to the 2 week difference in January since my check will come on the 4th Wed. I have used your program in the past and it changed my life. At 60 I called SS they told me I'd make @ $1000 per month which was not enough to get by on. A few months later I ordered your program. According to it I'd receive @ $1500.

Saturday, August 7, 2021 - 17:19

Which Week Will I Be Paid When I Switch From Survivor Benefits To My Own Account?

I'm going to switch from survivors benefits to my own at full retirement age. His birthdate was the 1st of the month ( I receive check on 2nd Wednesday ) and mine is the 28th. Which week will I receive my check?

Hi. Based on your birth date, your Social Security retirement benefits will be paid on the 4th Wednesday of the month.

Friday, July 30, 2021 - 15:47

Will I Receive My Payments For Both July And August In August?

I retired on May 1,2021. I received May and June social security payment on July 2,2021. Will I receive both July and August, in August ?. Then once a month after that?

Hi. No. Social Security benefits are paid a month behind, so the payment you receive in August will be your benefit payment for July. Your benefit payment for August won't be paid until September, and so on.

Best, Jerry

Sunday, July 11, 2021 - 11:59

Can You Explain Why I Was Paid Early This Month?

I normally receive my Social Security check on the third Wednesday of every month. This month it came on 11 June. Can you explain why?

Hi. No, I have no idea why your check was paid early. Social Security will sometimes make payments before the scheduled date due to a holiday, but that wouldn't be involved in your case. If you're curious, I would suggest calling Social Security to see if they have an explanation.

Best, Jerry

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 - 20:15

Why Am I Being Paid On The Fourth Wednesday Of Each Month?

When I had a payee i got my payments on the third... Now Im getting them on what looks like the forth Wednesday... But my birthday is the third... Am I getting them early or something... I don't want to call and ask because getting it the second Wednesday would be a disaster... My bills would not line up and I won't be able to pay them properly and rent would be impossible to do on time if they shift it... Im not sure whats going on and Im concerned they have my birthday incorrect.

Friday, May 28, 2021 - 08:58

Why Do I Have To Wait Until July For My First Payment If I Was Born In May?

Larry, I think the answer you gave Jerry concentrated too much on his "after death payment" and didn't answer his (and my) question. My birthday is mid May so I understand I have to wait till the 3rd Wednesday in June to get my first direct deposit payment. At least that makes sense. You gotta earn a month to getta month. But why do I have to wait until the 3rd Wednesday in July to get the first payment?

Thursday, March 25, 2021 - 13:47

Will My Wife's Benefits Be Paid On The Second Wednesday Or Third Wednesday Of The Month?

My wife is receiving her own SS benefit based on her work history. Her birthday is on the 20th of the month, so she gets her benefit on the third Wednesday. When I file, she will be able to file for an additional spousal benefit. With my birthday on the 8th of the month, I'll get my benefit on the second Wednesday.

Will her new benefit be paid on the second or third Wednesday of the month? Thanks for any replies!


Friday, December 4, 2020 - 15:27
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