Ask Larry

Payment Dates

Why Didn't My Payment Date Change?

Hi, You guys have been extremely helpful to me in the past.
A while ago, I wrote to ask whether when I switched from receiving Survivor benefits on the 3rd of the month, to my own (bd 4.6.53) they would change my pay date. You indicated it would change to the 2nd wed of the month, as expected due to the 6th of the month birthday.
I was surprised to find that it is going to remain the 3rd of the month.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 - 16:55

Will My Payment Date Change When I Start Drawing My Own Benefits?

I will be switching from widows benefits that I have been receiving on the 3rd of the month to my own benefits at age 70 in April. Will my payment date change based on the day of the month I was born? (6th)
Thanks much.

Hi. Yes, if you were born on the 6th day of a month, then when you claim your own benefits you'll be paid on the second Wednesday of each month.

Best, Jerry

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 15:06

Why Did My Payment Arrive Two Days Early This Month?

My SS payment was early this month. Usually receive on the the 3rd Wednesday of the month, however received it on a Monday prior to the scheduled Wednesday…wondering why?

Hi. There is no reason that I know of. If I had to guess, I'd say the most likely explanation is that your bank simply posted the credit to your account early.

Best, Jerry

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 - 14:32

Is It Correct That I Get My Benefits On The Fourth Wednesday Of The Month?

Hi, I just read your explanation to another question but I'm still not clear. My birthday is the 20th of the month but I get my benefits on the 4th Wednesday. Is this correct?

Hi. Not if you're receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits based on your own earnings. People born from the 11th through 20th day of a month are normally paid on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (

Friday, August 5, 2022 - 14:19

Why Haven't I Received My Social Security Yet?

today is the 3rd.week of this month. i still have not received mf social security my date of birth 1/18/46. is this another jab by our country lies to promote socialism

Hi. There isn't enough information in your question for me to even know when your monthly benefits should be paid ( If you are normally paid earlier in the month, though, then you should probably call Social Security to find out the status of your payment.

Best, Jerry

Thursday, February 24, 2022 - 07:54

Why Was My Payment Early This Month?

My SS was deposited in my checking acct Feb. 17th this year. I get it on the 4th Wed. of the month since my birthday is the 23. Why was it a week early this month?

Hi. I'm sorry, but I would need access to your Social Security records to be able to answer your question. February 17th wasn't a normal payment date for Social Security benefits, so you'll need to call Social Security to find out if they can provide an explanation.

Best, Jerry

Tuesday, February 22, 2022 - 12:58

Where Is My Payment For January 2022?

Hello Larry, I received a letter today from the ssa. It stated that my ssdi checks will no longer be received on the fourth Wednesday of each month. They will now be received on the 3rd of each month because the state of Ohio will now be paying for my Medicaid.I received a check on January 26th and I know it was December 2021payment. It is now February 19th 2022 and when I receive my new payment date of March 3rd 2022 it will be for February 2022....My question is where is my January 2022 payment?

Saturday, February 19, 2022 - 14:55
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