Ask Larry

Payment Dates

How Can I Pay My Bills If My Payment Date Changes?

I usually get my deposit on the 4th of every month. This is my only income and all my bills are due the first or fifth of the month. Now you are telling me I won't get my deposit until the fourth wednesday of the month. How can I pay my rent and monthly bills. I am 75 yrs with lots of health problems..I can barley make ends meet now and can't afford late fees.. Whoever made this decision did not take into consideration everyone is not rich. This needs to stay as it is.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021 - 16:58

How Will People React When They Find Out About This Oversight By SSA?

Okay, Larry, I have been receiving by direct deposit SS payments of $906 on the 3rd of each month for numerous years now. With my birthdate being on the 24th day of the month, my NEW payment day for Social Security income falls on the 4th Wednesday of each month, beginning on January 26, 2022. With the new 5.9% raise, I will be receiving an extra $53 per month or $959 per month total benefit. Fine.

Thursday, November 25, 2021 - 19:39

Is My Circumstance An Exception To The General Rule?

An observation re: payment dates. I began receiving spousal SS on my wife's account, then switched to my own account at age 70. Her birthday is the 18th, hence 3rd Wednesday payment. When I was getting spousal SS, I also received it on the 3rd Wednesday, even though my birthday is the 21st (4th Wednesday). However, when I began drawing on my own account, the payments are still coming on the 3rd Wednesday. This may be an exception to the general rule.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021 - 12:24

Am I Correct That My Payday WIll Now Be On Different Dates Over The Year?

Am I correct in the fact my payday will now be on different dates over the year? I have always set them up 2-3 days after my _REGULAR_ as this is all I have, I see many issues that can only be unexpected payment can now make me default...I always pay autopays first to stop this from happening.....budgeting alone will not solve this for many people....your thoughts please ty

Monday, November 22, 2021 - 13:17

Is Social Security Moving Everyone's Payment Dates?

is social security moving everyone dates to recieve it or are they leaving it the same? i cant afford to chang my date from the 3rd which i have been getting it to another date which is down the line i usally pay all my bills on the 3rd of the month otherwise ill have to change everything around please let me know if this is true or not i,d prefer it to stay the same.

Thursday, November 18, 2021 - 12:10

How Am I Supposed To Pay My Bills If I'm Not Paid Until The 26th Of The Month?

How can I pay my bills for Jan 2022 if my social Security check is not the 3rd of the month but the 26th.??? My birthday is 11/26/1948 rm

Hi. Social Security payment dates were amended by Congress in 1997 as follows: I would suggest directing your question to your representatives in the U.S. House and Senate, since they are the only people with power to amend Social Security laws.

Best, Jerry

Friday, November 12, 2021 - 18:29
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