may be stored at any one time. Learn more.
Maximize My Social Security® Software
Maximize My Social Security helps single or married persons decide when to collect retirement, spousal, widow(er), divorcee spousal, divorcee widow(er), child-in-care spousal, mother (father), young child, and disabled child benefits. Now also handles adults receiving disability benefits!
may be stored at any one time. Learn more.
Tech Assistance & Personalized Guidance
Free with all subscriptions!
Per Session
Additional Options to Maximize!
Feature Comparison
Maximize My Social Security For Households |
Maximize My Social Security For Advisors |
Retirement, spousal, and survivor benefits | ||
Child, divorcee, mother and father benefits | ||
Social Security's earnings test | ||
Reductions for early retirement | ||
Re-computation of benefits | ||
Delayed retirement credit | ||
Family benefit maximum | ||
Deeming provisions | ||
File and suspend & start, stop, start strategies | ||
Break-even date analysis | ||
Explore impact of future benefit cuts | ||
Email customer support | ||
Online software--no download required | ||
Works on PC and Mac | ||
Unlimited “what-if” scenarios | ||
Responsive Customer Support | ||
Handles Multiple Clients* | ||
Longevity Outcomes Report | ||
Alternative Scenarios Report | ||
Customized Report Cover Page |
may be stored at any one time. Learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
The expert review consultation includes a 1 hour phone call confirming inputs, reviewing and interpreting results, and exploring allowable what-if scenarios as applicable. The consultant will review your profile ahead of time and you can send a summary of your questions before the consultation. The consultation can also serve as a training session for professionals seeking to better serve their clients. This service is available only to customers with an active individual or professional license, and it should not be used for a renewal or the purchase of a new license.
Your license cannot be shared. Each planner in your firm that provides clients a Social Security maximization plan based on our software must purchase their own license even if plans are being produced centrally (e.g., by a single assistant in the office).
Your license is restricted to your use only for your own household. If you have friends and relatives who wish to use the program or have you run it for them, please purchase a separate license for each household. Your license allows you access to the software for a full year from the date of purchase.
If you purchased before 12/26/24, follow these instructions to "reactivate" your account. If you purchased on or after 12/26/24, your subscription will automatically renew each year, but you can cancel if desired by logging in and navigating to Account > Manage Subscription, or contact customer support.
Yes, but we send two reminders beforehand, and you can easily cancel in the app (go to Account > Manage Subscription), or by contacting customer support.
Maximize My Social Security is a separate, stand-alone program that searches over thousands of benefit collection date options to find the one that produces the highest present value of lifetime earnings.
Our MaxiFi Planner tool does include Social Security maximization and additional retirement account maximization in addition to its comprehensive financial planning features, though the reports regarding Social Security and filing option information is not as detailed, and the professional version of the product does not include the Longevity and Comparison analysis reports that are available in Maximize My Social Security.
Yes, our software works on most common tablets and phones and data entry is very easy on any device. However, because our software presents detailed financial information, you may find that you have a better experience reviewing reports by using a tablet or larger device rather than a phone.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has four different calculators with varying degrees of accuracy from rough estimates to exact calculations of an individual's benefits. Their default assumptions include zero future inflation and zero future real wage growth. They calculate your benefits either on a specified date or give you three benefit estimates, at your earliest date of retirement, at full retirement age, or at your latest date of retirement. Some, but not all calculate surviving child's and surviving spouse's benefits and the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset.
None of the SSA calculators identify the filing strategy that results in the maximum lifetime benefits. So the SSA calculators don't answer questions like these:
- For married couples, should one spouse file and suspend?
- Who should file for spouse's benefits?
- If you've already started collecting should you suspend collection and reinstate at a later date.
Our software calculates all benefits available to individuals and families except parents' benefits. We search across all filing date combinations to find the maximum lifetime benefit. This search typically looks at thousands, tens of thousands, and occasionally hundreds of thousands of possible date combinations to suggest the best strategy.
We follow best practices in the financial software industry to keep your data safe and secure. Please see our security page for more detail.