Ask Larry

Why Am I Being Paid On The Fourth Wednesday Of Each Month?

When I had a payee i got my payments on the third... Now Im getting them on what looks like the forth Wednesday... But my birthday is the third... Am I getting them early or something... I don't want to call and ask because getting it the second Wednesday would be a disaster... My bills would not line up and I won't be able to pay them properly and rent would be impossible to do on time if they shift it... Im not sure whats going on and Im concerned they have my birthday incorrect.

Hi. People who were born in the first 10 days of a month are normally paid their Social Security benefits on the second Wednesday of the month. People born after the 20th day of a month are normally paid on the 4th Wednesday of the month. The only people who are paid Social Security benefits on the 3rd day of the month are people who either started drawing benefits prior to May 1997, or who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in addition to their Social Security benefits (

I should also note that Social Security benefits are paid a month behind. In other words, benefits for the month of May, for example, are paid in June.

I can't imagine why Social Security would be paying you on 4th Wednesdays unless you're receiving benefits based on a spouse's or parent's account, and if they were born after the 20th of a month. Scheduled payments are based on the day of birth of the worker on whose account the benefits are payable. You could contact Social Security to ask for an explanation, but if you're happier being paid on 4th Wednesdays rather than 2nd Wednesdays you may just want to leave things alone.

Best, Jerry

May 28 2021 - 8:58am
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