Ask Larry

Railroad Retirement & Social Security

If My Wife Files For Railroad Spousal Benefits At Age 64 Could She Still Get Her Full Social Security Benefit At Age 70?

I am 70 years old and was retired 9-1-1999 on a disability retirement after 29 years service on the railroad. My spouse would like to retire at age 64 which would be in April 2019 and apply for her railroad spouse pension which is less than what her Social Security would be and than wait til age 70 to apply for the S.S.benefits, would she receive full S.S. benefits? And what if any amount would her R.R.B. benefits be reduced?


Thursday, October 25, 2018 - 07:19

Is The Information I Received From A Railroad Retirement Board Representative Correct?

A Railroad retirement board representative advised me that I could receive a reduced age benefit ( if I desire to take it now, at age 63) from my ex-husband's Tier I benefit and continue to receive my divorced spouse annuity granted to me in our divorce, as this is a lifetime annuity for me. He also told me I could take a reduced age benefit now from the USRRRB and discontinue receiving the benefit at say 66 or even 70, to then apply and receive my own social security benefits from there on. My questions are: 1) Is this information correct?

Monday, October 8, 2018 - 15:58

Can I Get Both Social Security And My Husband's Spousal RR Pension?

I have been told I could not get both SS and my husband;s spouse RR pension. Now I hear that has been reversed and I can now have both? Can you help with this?


If you file for both Social Security (SS) benefits and for Railroad Retirement (RR) benefits, what you would receive is a) the higher of your SS benefit or your tier 1 RR benefit rate, plus b) any tier 2 RR benefits for which you qualify. Thus, there's no way that you could get both benefits in full at the same time.

Sunday, September 30, 2018 - 14:20

Am I Entitled To My Age 70 Social Security Rate That's Higher Than My Tier 1 Railroad Retirement Rate?

Larry - I worked for the Railroad , NJ Transit for 7.5 years. I retired from there in April of 2017 at age 68.5. Currently I am collecting tier 1 benefits at $3,076 and my tier 2 benefits are at $299 per month. I also worked paying into Social Security for 43 years. I am turning 70 in October 2018, My Social Security benefits at age 70 are at $3,285 per month. I applied to Social Security to receive the $3,285 to replace my Tier 1 benefits, the difference being $209 a month (Tier 1 $3076 minus $3285 SS = $209).

Thursday, September 27, 2018 - 12:02

Can I Replace My Tier 1 Railroad Benefit By Filing For A Higher Social Security Benefit?

Hi. I was eligible for late husband's railroad retirement when I turned 60 few weeks ago. I am working part time for now to keep health insurance with my employer. My question is.... There is Tier 1 (social security) and then Tier 2. If my social security benefit is more than Tier 1 can I apply for that at age 66 and replace the Tier 1 with my social security benefit?


Yes, that can be done.

Best, Jerry

Friday, August 24, 2018 - 18:14

Will My SS Amount Be Changed To Railroad Tier 1 And Tier 2 After My Husband Retires?

My husband works for the railroad. I am two (2) years his senior. If I file for SS at 62 will my amount be changed to the railroad Tier I and Tier II after he retires? I will continue to work until he retires but want to know if my monthly amount will be recalculated to a higher amount? If so will I have to reapply for benefits?


Saturday, June 23, 2018 - 10:54
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