Ask Larry

Railroad Retirement & Social Security

Will My Tier 1 Benefits Be Reduced If I File For Social Security Spousal Benefits?

I am a railway worker and turned 66 in December of 2017, I am still working for the railroad. My wife is 65 and has decided to file for her SS benefits. Will my tier 1 benefits be reduced if I file for spousal benefits from my wife's SS?


If you are receiving Railroad Retirement (RR) benefits and you file for Social Security (SS) spousal benefits, then yes the RR Board (RRB) will reduce your tier 1 RR benefits by the amount of your SS spousal benefits.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018 - 06:29

Will I Just Lose What I Paid Into Social Security If I Draw Railroad Retirement?


I will be 63 in March and I will have 10 years with the Railroad in March. However, I worked full time since I was 18, paying into social security. I have two questions: 1) Will I just loose the 30+ years of social security if I draw RR retirement? and 2) I have a disabled adult child (mentally handicapped). Will he receive social security benefits on me when i retire even if I'm drawing RR retirement?

Thank you,


Hi Sarah,

Friday, January 5, 2018 - 15:02

What Is My Best Option With Regard To Delayed Retirement Credits If I'm Eligible For Both Social Security & Railroad Retirement?

I am 67 1/2. 140 months of railroad service in 70’s & 80’s. All other work under Social Security. Still working. My spouse worked under SS until age 55, she is 65. Based on MMSS software, she took SS at age 64, and I draw spousal under her SS. The plan was to defer my RRB to age 70, now I am told by RRB that I could take either my SS or RRB now, allow the other to accrue deferred credits until age 70, then switch. Is that correct? If so, which should I take now, then switch to other at 70? Thank you.


Thursday, January 4, 2018 - 06:21

Is The Money I Made As A Nurse Or That I Have In The Texas Teacher's Retirement System Thrown Away?

HI. my husband worked for the railroad he is retired now. I have 1 1/2 years till I can retire at 65 . At 62 the social security told me I could retire then with 900 ish maybe a little more I decide not to because I can get my husbands , I can get half of what he makes. which by the time I retire will be around 1300-1400 a month. I also have Texas teachers retirement thing. which I have around 14000 is all in the is the money I made as a nurse or the money I have in Texas state teachers retirement is this thrown away.


Friday, December 22, 2017 - 09:58

Will I Need To File An Application With Railroad Or Social Security?

I currently work as County Administrator for a local government. I will turn 66 April 4, 2018. I am paying in to social security and the Virginia Retirement System. My husband worked for csx railroad for close to 30 years. He retired on disability in 2009. Presently i am receiving about $300.00 a month RR Retirement benefits. My question is: I plan to continue to work for several more years, providing my health allow. When I turn 66 in April, will I qualify to also receive social security or the full percentage of my husband RR retirement if i am still working.

Monday, December 18, 2017 - 15:40

Will My Brother Get Any Survivor Benefits If My Father Passes?

My father is retired from the railroad.
My brother is disabled.
I was wondering will my brother get any survivor benefits if my father passes.
Thank you


My expertise is limited to Social Security benefits, not Railroad Retirement. You'll probably need to check with the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) to find out if your brother could qualify for Railroad benefits.

Saturday, December 9, 2017 - 07:13

Can I Begin Taking Social Security Benefits And Still Accrue DRCs On My Railroad Retirement?

I am 66 (9/1951) wife is 64 (9/1953). Worked for Rail Road and have both RRB and social security benefits as well.

Will I be able to begin taking my social security benefit/wife begin spousal benefit and allow RRB to accrue delayed credits until age 70? Will RRB continue to accrue DRC if one begins taking social security?

Will I be able to claim restricted under wife's benefit and then allow RRB to earn DRC?

Please confirm. Thanks for your time.


Friday, December 8, 2017 - 07:11

Can My Wife Start Drawing Her Social Security At Age 62 And Still Get A Full Railroad Spousal Benefit Later?

I am 64 and am currently on RRB occupational disability. My wife just turned 62 on (/3/2017). I have been led to believe that she could file for reduced SS benefits at 62 on her own earnings, which were meager and will only net her a monthly premium of $628. Then when she turns 66 and 2 months, she can file for her RRB Spousal benefit which at this date figuring roughly half my current RRB premium is around $1350.

Saturday, November 25, 2017 - 11:10

Can I Now Draw Social Security?

I retired from the railroad 21 years ago on a disability. Since then I have worked enough to qualify for social security. Can I now draw social security on what I have earned the last 21 years.


Yes you can, assuming that you are at least age 62. However, if and when you file for Social Security (SS) benefits the Railroad Board (RRB) will only pay you the higher of your Social Security benefit rate or your Tier 1 Railroad Retirement (RR) rate, in addition to any Tier 2 RR benefits to which you are entitled.

Friday, November 24, 2017 - 12:20
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