My husband works for the railroad. I am two (2) years his senior. If I file for SS at 62 will my amount be changed to the railroad Tier I and Tier II after he retires? I will continue to work until he retires but want to know if my monthly amount will be recalculated to a higher amount? If so will I have to reapply for benefits?
Your Social Security (SS) benefits would never change to Railroad benefits. If you file for reduced retirement benefits from Social Security at age 62 and then later file for RR spousal benefits, the Railroad Board will only pay you the higher of a) your SS benefits or b) your tier 1 RR benefit, plus any tier 2 RR benefits to which you may be entitled. You would have to file separate applications for SS and RR benefits.
By the way, you mention filing for SS benefits at age 62 and continuing to work, but until you reach your full retirement age your benefits could be subject to full or partial withholding depending on the level of your earnings (
Best, Jerry