Ask Larry

Railroad Retirement & Social Security

How Do Social Security Benefits Affect Railroad Retirement Benefits?

About Spousal benefit: My wife and I are still working. She did a file and suspend and I started receiving spousal benefit. When I inquired to Railroad Retirement Board about my retirement benefit estimate, they said that my RRB retirement benefit will be deducted by the amount that I receive for the spousal benefit. I thought that my retirement work service is separate from my wife's retirement work service


Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 10:15

What If I'm Eligible For Both Railroad Retirement And Social Security?

Hi Larry,
Thank you for all the information you give us regarding Social Security. I am one of those rare people who worked for a railroad for more than 10 years and I also qualify for social security. My question is, can i "take" early retirement (age 62- my FRA is 66 , 4 months) by going to one agency and then when I reach FRA going to the other agency. Are there any other important points or rules that could help me determining the best course of action. My current age is 59.
Thank you very much


Hi Mark,

Sunday, July 3, 2016 - 15:00

Can I Get Railroad Retirement And Social Security?

I started working for the railroad in 1980 - prior to that, I worked for several companies. I retired three years ago and am receiving railroad retirement benefits. Someone told me that I may also be eligible for social security in addition to railroad retirement (I remember they referred to it as double dipping years ago). I also just received a statement from Social Security telling me how much my payment would be if I decided to collect. I have worked more than 40 quarters under social security and railroad retirement. Am I eligible to "double dip"?

Friday, July 1, 2016 - 14:30
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