Ask Larry

Railroad Retirement & Social Security

Will I Be Deemed To File For Social Security Benefits If I File For Railroad Benefits At Age 62?

Well, I just finished reading your book, Get What's Yours and I need a little clarification on my particular situation. I was married for 21 years to a railroad worker. He started drawing his RRR benefit when he was 60 (he turned 62 last month). He also worked in the covered sector but I doubt he had enough years to qualify me for social security divorced spousal benefit. I remarried at age 59 (I know, I should have read your book earlier) but am now thankfully divorced again.

Saturday, June 3, 2017 - 07:16

Can My Husband File For Railroad Benefits At Age 66 & Social Security At Age 70?

My husband is eligible for railroad retirement and social security. I am eligible for social security under my own record and a spousal annuity under railroad retirement.
1. My husband is eligible to receive his full railroad retirement annuity at age 66. Can he receive that annuity at age 66 and then apply for social security at age 70 and receive a larger benefit in his Tier 1 portion? The Railroad Retirement Board told us yes.

Monday, May 1, 2017 - 22:39

Can My Wife Get Railroad Benefits From My Record And Her Social Security?

Can my wife,who does not nor ever has worked for the railroad collect her social security along with my railroad pension ?


Your wife could potentially receive both Social Security (SS) retirement benefits and Railroad (RR) spousal benefits, but her Tier 1 RR benefit would be offset by the amount of her SS benefit (

Best, Jerry

Friday, April 14, 2017 - 07:45

Can I Draw Spousal Benefits If My Husband Receives Railroad Retirement?

Hi Larry,
I am trying to understand spousal benefit options, given this scenario:
Husband worked sufficient years under the RR system and also separately paid into Social Security (at least 40 quarters).
Husband is 65 and currently collecting RR Benefits, with his wife approaching age 59. The wife does not qualify for Social Security benefits on her own, but would be entitled to Social Security Spousal Benefits...normally.

Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 08:15

Would My Social Security Benefits Stop When I Start Drawing Railroad Retirement?

I am vested in social security, railroad retirement and Cal PERS, having worked different jobs. I would like to start collecting SS next year (turning 62), and then when I turn 66 and 4 months start collecting my maximum benefit from RR retirement. Would SS stop when I start collecting RR retirement? Will collecting SS at 62 reduce my max RR retirement benefit? Do you have any special advice for me or recommendation of who I need to talk with concerning this? THANKS.


Friday, March 24, 2017 - 07:00

Should I Apply For Social Security If I Work For The Railroad?

I am 65, a railroader for 15 years, not retiring for a while(?). Wife is 62. Should I apply for SSA in order to get spousal benefits for her? Do I have to accept my SSA benefits in order to do this? Is there a down side? Does it alter my plan to retire in 6-7 years from railroad with RRT1, RRT2, and a company pension? I know I would give up the SSA at that point.


Thursday, March 16, 2017 - 08:30

Will I Get Railroad Spousal Benefits And Social Security?

My husband is a retired Railroad employee. I work as a nurse and pay into Social Security. Will I get my spousal benefit and SS when I retire?


Potentially yes, but you can only receive the higher of a) your Social Security benefit rate, or b) your Railroad tier 1 benefit (, plus any tier 2 Railroad benefits to which you are entitled.

Best, Jerry

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 - 12:30

Can I Start Drawing Railroad Retirement At Age 68 And Get Higher Social Security Benefits At Age 70?

Larry, I am 68 years old (10/28/48) Currently working for the railroad, I have been there for the last 7.5 years. I have been told that I can stop working, retire and collect Rail Road Retirement today. Then at 70 switch from RRR Tier one to SS and receive the higher SS benefit. Currently RR Retirement Tier one will pay me approximately $3,000 a month. SS at 70 will pay approximately. $ 3,275. A $ 275 dollar a month difference. If I stop working today and take RR Retirement will I still be eligible for the $ 275 difference that SS offers at 70?

Friday, March 10, 2017 - 08:15
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