I am 66 (9/1951) wife is 64 (9/1953). Worked for Rail Road and have both RRB and social security benefits as well.
Will I be able to begin taking my social security benefit/wife begin spousal benefit and allow RRB to accrue delayed credits until age 70? Will RRB continue to accrue DRC if one begins taking social security?
Will I be able to claim restricted under wife's benefit and then allow RRB to earn DRC?
Please confirm. Thanks for your time.
My expertise is limited to Social Security (SS), not Railroad Retirement (RR). Therefore, I can't answer your questions with any degree of certainty.
I do know that if you waited to draw your Social Security retirement benefits until age 70 you could still accrue delayed retirement credits (DRC) even if you had previously drawn spousal benefits or RR benefits. And, since you were born prior to January 2 1954, if your wife is drawing her SS retirement benefits you could file a restricted application for spousal benefits only at age 66 without being deemed to have also filed for your own SS retirement benefits.
However, I can't tell you what effect filing for Social Security benefits first would have on your RR benefit rates and filing options. You'll probably need to check with the Railroad Retirement Board for an answer. Our maximization software can help you with your Social Security options, but not with Railroad Retirement.
Best, Jerry