Ask Larry

Maximize My Social Security Software

Has The 5.9% Increase Already Been Included In Your Software?

Love the tool. Super helpful!

There's a big bump coming in SS payments coming in 2022. Have those been already included in your software or should I enter the 5.9% bump myself?


Hi. Yse, our software has been updated to include the 5.9% Social Security cost of living (COLA) increase. You do not need to add the COLA yourself.

Best, Jerry

Monday, January 31, 2022 - 18:03

Will Your Software Allow Me To Calculate How Much My Benefit Rate Would Be Reduced If I Earn More?

My child has been approved for dac due to intellectual disabilities My mother's benefit for a child in care were reinstated. They stopped last yr because she turned 16. We were receiving survivor benefits. Next year, I may earn more than the income limit for my benefit. Do I get it back later like retirement beneficiaries? Will your software allow me to calculate the additional income and how much it would reduce my benefit.? Is there an earned amount that would reduce my benefit to 0?

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 - 18:22

Will Your Software Program Maximize The Options For People Who Are Eligible For City Or State Pensions?

Both my husband and I have paid into social security (over 40 quarters) and both of us will have retirement pensions from either City or State employment. Does this program have options to include that information, along with our SS info? Will it maximize the options for either/both/combo for a couple?

Thursday, October 7, 2021 - 16:50

Will Your Software Be Able To Show Me The Impact Of Future Wages On My Benefit Rate?

My husband died in 2010 when he was 46 and I 47, Since then I have continuously claimed a widow's benefit, as I have sole care of our developmentally disabled child (now age 27), I have worked part time during most years, but now have an opportunity to pursue a full-time job. I doubt I can achieve an earnings record anywhere near my late husband's. Will your software be able to show me the impact of future wages on my own record, as well as whether I can/should suspend collecting my widow's benefit?

Saturday, February 20, 2021 - 11:34

Do I Need To Know What My Benefit Would Have Been At Age 65 To Use Your Software?

Do I have to know what my benefit would have been at 65 to use your program? How do I get this figure?
I started taking SS at 70 and need to know this to find out when my wife, age 64, needs to start hers. Her DOB: 4/14/1956. Thanks. Happy to buy the software, but SS won't answer my question online....


Thursday, November 19, 2020 - 16:14

Does The Software Handle The Scenario My Wife And I Have In Mind?

My wife is two years older and hasn’t worked in past 25 years. Does the software handle the scenario of her taking benefits at 62 and then me also at 62 but two years later? Thanks, Tim

Hi Tim,

Yes, our software ( can handle the scenario you describe. The software could also fully analyze all of the other filing options available to you and your wife so that you can decide which filing strategy you believe is best for your individual needs.

Saturday, September 12, 2020 - 10:28

Can Your Software Calculate Benefit Rates For People Who Retire Early But Want To Wait Until Age 70 To Claim Benefits?

Hi Larry,
I have been unable to find a retirement calculator that reflects my desire to stop working at age 65 (stop receiving income) but delay filing until age 70. The SSA calculator assumes you will work up until the time you file for benefits which is not my desire. Does your Maximize My Social Security site provide calculators such as that, or could you recommend a planning resource that does? I would like to be able to take my earnings history from the SSA site and plug in future projected earnings to play with different retirement scenarios.

Monday, February 10, 2020 - 13:46
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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Discover tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars with Maximize My Social Security software!
  • Find your maximized strategy
  • Unlimited what-ifs
  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

Getting Started is Easy
Web-based software. Works on ALL browsers. No download.