Ask Larry

Maximize My Social Security Software

Is Your Software Up To Date?

I am considering purchasing your software. However in the promo material you list one of your strategies as File and Suspend which is no longer available (born 1952 and 1953). Rather we are considering Restricted application. Is your software up to date on this matter ?


Yes, all of our software is fully updated to incorporate the most recent changes to Social Security law. And, our software should be particularly helpful to you if you and your wife have the option to file a restricted application for spousal benefits only.

Monday, March 5, 2018 - 06:42

How Do I Go About Using Your Maximization Software?

How do I go about using your maximization software ?


You should start by clicking on the 'Purchase' link at the top of this page. Once you complete your purchase, using the software is self-explanatory and walks you through the steps required to get your results. If you have any questions or problems while using the software, you can submit an online contact form via the help menu and one of our experts will be happy to assist you.

Best, Jerry

Friday, March 2, 2018 - 08:08

Can You Recommend Someone To See About My Social Security?

I would like to set up an interview about maximizing social security. Can you recommend someone near me?


We don't offer in-person services, but our expert review service includes a 1 hour telephone consultation. For more information, please refer to the purchase page. Otherwise, you could try visiting your nearest Social Security office:

Best, Jerry

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 - 14:31

Is Your Software Automatically Renewed?

I notice that your software is available for a $40 annual license fee. Is this an automatic renewal? If I pay for the annual license this year to start my retirement planning (I am currently 53) do I need to continue to pay the $40 every year until I start drawing Social Security?


No, annual subscriptions to our software are not renewed automatically.

Best, Jerry

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 - 10:03

Does Your Calculator Handle My Type Of Scenario?

I am 2.5 years younger than my wife. She is a retired (3 years) Texas teacher receiving a Teacher's pension. Her social security benefits were reduced because she has a teacher's pension from the Texas Retirement System. I turn 65 in Feb 2018 and have filed for SSN benefits starting in March 2018. I will earn $22,000 in Jan-Feb-March. Does your calculator handle this type of scenario? I need help maximizing our retirement income.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018 - 15:44

Would The Maximization Software Be Of Any Benefit To Me If I'm Already Drawing Benefits?

I turned 66 in January and had been on disability towards the end of 2016 because of a surgery - I was going to extend the disability but was told that when I turned 66 my disability would trigger my receiving social security instead. Even though my long term plan had been to wait until I was 70 to draw (continuing to work-I am self employed- until then once healed from surgery) . Thus my question is since I am already drawing would the Maximize My Social Security be of any benefit to me. I get conflicting information from the SS Office regularly.


Tuesday, December 19, 2017 - 06:26

Is The Social Security Calculator In The Maxifi Program?

Is the social security calculator in the maxifi program or do I need to prchase two separate programs?


The Maxifi program contains the same Social Security calculator as the regular Maximize My Social Security program, plus many additional features. Please click on this link for more information:

Best, Jerry

Friday, December 15, 2017 - 16:41

Which Of Your Software Options Would Be Best For Me?

Hi Larry, i was given your website by a dear friend and was thinking
I would perhaps like to buy one of the 2 financial planners you have;
Maximize my SS or Maxfit
I am a 63 year's old single, never married woman with low income (salesperson) from Brooklyn. I have
NO pension, no assets and little savings...Maxfit looks like it's for people with more financial heft?
Thank you,


Hi Kay,

Thursday, October 26, 2017 - 06:02
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
Get What's Yours!
Discover tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars with Maximize My Social Security software!
  • Find your maximized strategy
  • Unlimited what-ifs
  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

Getting Started is Easy
Web-based software. Works on ALL browsers. No download.