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Will Your Software Allow Me To Calculate How Much My Benefit Rate Would Be Reduced If I Earn More?

My child has been approved for dac due to intellectual disabilities My mother's benefit for a child in care were reinstated. They stopped last yr because she turned 16. We were receiving survivor benefits. Next year, I may earn more than the income limit for my benefit. Do I get it back later like retirement beneficiaries? Will your software allow me to calculate the additional income and how much it would reduce my benefit.? Is there an earned amount that would reduce my benefit to 0?

Hi. Yes, our software ( is programmed to handle calculations involving Social Security's earnings test.

This is how the earnings test is applied: If you earn more than the earnings test exempt amount, Social Security reduces your benefit rate to zero for however many months it takes to withhold $1 of benefits for each $2 that you earn in excess of the exempt amount. Once the required amount is withheld, your monthly rate goes back to your regular amount. But, you could earn so much in a year that you wouldn't be due any benefits for that year. How much you'd have to earn to reach that point depends on your monthly benefit amount.

You won't get back any of the benefits that you lose to the earnings test if you earn more than the limit. Social Security retirement benefit rates are adjusted when a person reaches full retirement age (FRA) to remove the benefit rate reduction that was applied to their benefit rate for starting benefits early, but that doesn't apply to child in care (CIC) survivor benefits. CIC aren't reduced for age to start with, so the benefit rate isn't adjusted if the survivor loses benefits to the earnings test.

Best, Jerry

Dec 15 2021 - 6:22pm
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