Ask Larry

Does Your Calculator Handle My Type Of Scenario?

I am 2.5 years younger than my wife. She is a retired (3 years) Texas teacher receiving a Teacher's pension. Her social security benefits were reduced because she has a teacher's pension from the Texas Retirement System. I turn 65 in Feb 2018 and have filed for SSN benefits starting in March 2018. I will earn $22,000 in Jan-Feb-March. Does your calculator handle this type of scenario? I need help maximizing our retirement income.


Yes. Our maximization software is programmed to handle the earnings test issues you would face if you plan to work and start drawing your benefits next year. It can also handle cases involving the Government Pension Offset (GPO) provision that your wife would likely encounter if she files for spousal benefits on your record (

The software would also allow you to compare other filing options that you may not have considered, such as filing just for spousal benefits only on your wife's record at age 66 and allowing your own benefit rate to grow until age 70.

Best, Jerry

Jan 3 2018 - 3:44pm
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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