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Filing Options

Can My Wife Start Receiving Benefits On My Record When She Turns Age 62?

I am 63, and plan to continue to work full time to at least age 66 +2, possibly to age 70. My wife is self employed, and will turn 62 in November. She will continue indefinitely with her small business endeavor that we operate from our home acreage. Net annual income from this endeavor varies from slight losses, to a max of about $14K.
My most recent SSI e-est was $2086 per month if I retired now, $2667 at 66+2, $3488 at 70.
My wife's most recent e-est was $655 at age 62.

Thursday, April 19, 2018 - 13:57

Will I Get Both My Own And My Husband's Social Security?

Hi - When I am ready to retire, am I able to receive both my husband's and my social security. Both check not either or?
I am not ready to retire yet, I am only 57 years of age.


The most that you could receive is the higher of a) your own retirement benefit rate or b) your spousal benefit rate, not both. However, if half of your husband's full retirement age rate (PIA) is higher than your own PIA and you qualify for both benefits, you would be paid your own benefit plus a partial spousal benefit.

Thursday, April 19, 2018 - 06:47

Can My Wife Stop Her Benefits And Collect Half Of Mine Instead?

My wife started to collect her full retirement benefits 12/1/2017 at age 66.. I'm 64 and I will be getting full disability benefits that will go back to 11- 2017. My benefits will be 2251 a mo. my wife is getting 1201 a mo. can she stop her benefits and collect half of mine and let her benefits increase till age 70 and collect hers then at the higher rate ??


Tuesday, April 17, 2018 - 09:39

If I Start Out Collecting Spousal Benefits At Age 66 Do I Have To Wait Until Age 70 To Switch To My Own Benefits?

Once I start collecting on spousal benefits at age 66 do I have to stay on that plan until age 70? Or can I stop anytime before age 70 and start collecting on my own SS?
Thank you,

Hi Bob,

No, you could switch at any time. The only limitation is that you could only claim retirement benefits on your own record for a maximum of 6 months prior to the month that you apply for them.

Before deciding when to switch to your own record, though, you should consider using our maximization software to compare your options.

Thursday, April 12, 2018 - 07:50

Can My Wife File For Her Own Benefits At Age 64 And Then Later File For Spousal Benefits When I File?

My wife is 64 and I am 62. I am the higher wage earner and plan to work until I am 70. Would it make sense for her to file for benefits on her own limited work record now and then file for a spousal benefit once I file for my benefits? Can that be done?


Yes, that could be done, but your wife would then be stuck with a reduced retirement benefit rate for as long as both of you are living.

Saturday, April 7, 2018 - 14:18

Can My Husband Claim Benefits On My Record?

I am currently working at 61, with a nice annual income. Due to that, my husband, currently 69, is retired but waiting until he turns 70 to file for social security. What is the best way for him to file? Can he claim benefits on my work record? ( Which is greater than his?). If the stars align, I will also wait to 70 to file to maximize my payout...( Dad is 96....I might need it!) Do I have to claim benefits before he can claim on my earnings record? ( Still in progress...). Thank you


Thursday, April 5, 2018 - 11:10

Am I Eligible To Receive Spousal Benefits Without Drawing My Own Benefits?

My wife has been collecting s/s benefits since she was 63 ,I will turn 66 in april, I elligable to recieve Spousal Benefits on my wifes S/S with out drawing on my benefits


Yes, since you were born before January 2 1954 and you wife is receiving her benefits, you could file just for spousal benefits only at your full retirement age while allowing your own retirement benefit rate to grow until age 70.

Best, Jerry

Tuesday, April 3, 2018 - 16:28
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