Ask Larry

Can My Wife Stop Her Benefits And Collect Half Of Mine Instead?

My wife started to collect her full retirement benefits 12/1/2017 at age 66.. I'm 64 and I will be getting full disability benefits that will go back to 11- 2017. My benefits will be 2251 a mo. my wife is getting 1201 a mo. can she stop her benefits and collect half of mine and let her benefits increase till age 70 and collect hers then at the higher rate ??


Your wife couldn't suspend her benefits and receive spousal benefits instead, but it sounds like she could still withdraw her application for retirement benefits and instead file just for spousal benefits only on your record effective with the month that she reached full retirement age provided that you will be entitled to disability benefits for that month. And yes, it sounds like her spousal benefit rate would then be equal to half of your disability benefit rate. She could then re-apply for her own benefits at age 70 at which time they would reach their highest possible rate.

By the way, withdrawing her application will likely require her to pay back at least some of the benefits that she's received to date (

Best, Jerry

Apr 17 2018 - 9:39am
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