Ask Larry

Filing Options

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I am 67 when I was 66 I was allowed to file and suspend ( I did this due to poor health outlook).My health has since improved and if all goes well I plan to return to
regular benefit at 70. I believe I can do this since I have not received any money. Is that true?Also my wife turns 62 this year and I like her to file for a benefit on my record
since the pay out would be much greater that way. I believe if she filed under her own record under the new rules she will not be allowed to switch to her spousal benifit

Sunday, April 1, 2018 - 07:43

Can I File For My Benefits At Age 62 And Receive Unreduced Spousal Benefits At Age 66?

Dear Larry, I have read too many sites re: my question, and now I'm really confused. My ex filed at age 70 in 2012, I will be filing this year at age 62. I understand my payments will be reduced permanently, ($900) my question is: can I file for spousal benefits at age 66 and receive an un-reduced spousal benefit of $1500, or will I reduce my spousal benefits, as well, by filing this year?
Thank you for your help.

Hi Patricia,

Thursday, March 29, 2018 - 16:20

Can My Husband Or I File For Spousal Benefits While Allowing The Higher Of Our Rates To Grow?

Can I (or my husband) file for spousal benefits while we allow the larger SS to grow? He will have a much larger amount than me. If I take mine SS at 62, can he file for a spousal benefit without jeopardizing his SS? He will get over 3000 at age 70. We want to preserve that/ Thanks!


Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 13:59

Can I File A Restricted Application For Spousal Benefits When I Turn 66?

I realize that the restricted application for Social Security is only available now for those who were born on or before January 1, 1954. I qualify on that basis (having been born in April 1953). My wife, however, does not qualify, having been born in February 1954.
1. Under these circumstances, when I turn 66 (my FRA), can I use the restricted application option and file for spousal benefits and let my benefits grow? Even though my wife does not qualify under the date range?

Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 13:49

What Benefits Would My Wife Receive If She Files Now?

I am 70.5 years old man receiving my full Social Security benefits. My wife is 62.5 years old. She has worked and is eligible to receive her own Social Security benefits based on her payments into Social Security. She has not yet applied for Social Security benefits nor is she on Medicare. My current benefits are more than double the benefits she would receive on her own if she would apply now. So, my question is this: If she would apply now what benefits would she receive? Would it be just her own benefits or would she receive a combination of benefits equaling half of mine?

Monday, March 26, 2018 - 12:24

Can My Wife File For Her Benefits At FRA And Then For Spousal Benefits When I Start Drawing?

My wife was born in 1955 and I was born in 1954. Her income is significantly less than mine and her spousal benefit will be greater than her own benefit. Under the new regulations can she file for her normal benefits at her FRA and gain the incremental spousal benefit if I defer filing until age 70? I understand that her spousal benefit would be limited to 50% of my FRA, but see a value in deferring my own SS claim.


Saturday, March 24, 2018 - 07:34

Should I Take My Social Security Benefits Now?

I am 66 and one month, still working full time and make a fairly decent income. I am also receiving my Arizona state retirement but its only $511 a month. I wasn't employed for several years due to the economy and went through most of my retirement savings and when I was not employed I ran up some debt. I'm doing as best as I can to pay my debt off before I officially retire. I would like to keep working and my health is good, however I worry about being replaced with a younger and less expensive employee. It's happened to me before.

Friday, March 23, 2018 - 07:38
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