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Filing Options

Can My Wife File For Her Benefits At 66 And Can I Then File For Spousal Benefits Only?

Hi Larry,
I commend and appreciate the great job you are doing serving the community.
I will be 68 in May 2018 and my wife will be 66 in June 2018. We have not claimed RIB yet. My estimate is $2400/month and my wife's $400. My strategy is NOT to claim my RIB till age 70 to maximize. My questions:
1. Can my wife start her RIB at 66, and I apply for restricted spousal benefit ($400 RIB for my wife + $200 spousal) till I attain age 70.
2. At my age 70, I start my own RIB, and my wife apply for spousal benefit to get the max.

Friday, March 2, 2018 - 07:23

What's The Catch?

My wife and I are both 66. She has filed for SS benefits of $1,700/month. I am waiting until I am 70 to get $3,700. When she filed, the SS person told her I can get half her benefit now ($850). Can I do so without impacting the benefit I will receive when I turn 70? This seems like one of those too good to be true topics. There is over $1,200 difference in my claiming at 70 versus now, so a lot at risk. What's the catch?


Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 16:26

Can I Wait Until Full Retirement Age To File For Spousal Benefits?

Hello Larry, I will be turning 62 June 2018 and my husband is 82 ; a 20 year difference and married 35 years . I talked to Social Security office and they told me I would get $682 of my own social security benefit plus I would have to take a spousal benefit which would be $200 adding up to $862 a month if I start collecting at 62 . I told them I want to wait until my full retirement age of 66 and 4 months to take a spousal benefit and was told I could not.

Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 15:41

Can My Wife Get Spousal Benefits?

I'm hearing about spousal benefits for the first time, and don't know anything about it. I am 62, and still working. My wife Barbara is 62 and retired, not collecting SS yet. I plan on retiring July 2019, at the age of 64, and starting to collect my SS at that point. Should my wife wait to collect her SS until that time, as well, and can she apply for spousal benefits? My SS payment at that time is approximately 25K, and hers is approximately 7K.
If she were to collect spousal benefits, does it in any way reduce my payment?


Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 08:09

What Does My Husband Need To Do?

My husband turns 66 in March 2018. He wants to wait to receive benefits until he turns 70. Does he need to file now and then request a restriction (if this is the correct terminology) or does he just do nothing until turning 70 in 2022? Additionally, I am currently 63 and contemplating filing for reduced benefits when I turn 64 in October 2018. If he is waiting on taking his own benefits until 2022, can he, in the mean time, file for spousal benefits on my account once I start receiving benefits in October 2018?

Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 07:59

Can My Wife File For Spousal Benefits And Leave Hers To Gain 8% Per Year?

My wife is 66 (born 1951)and receives $1086 SS benefits since1995 for disability but now at her age she's at FRA receiving benefit. I am 63 and still planning to work until 70. Can my wife file a spouse benefit and leave hers gaining that 8 %/yr. and come back to hers when she's 70 ? Or what other strategies are out there for us to maximize our SS benefits ? I also thought of filing and suspending at my FRA and receive 50% of my wife's benefit. Would I be eligible ? Thank you in advance and the good Lord bless you for what you do.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 - 10:42

Can I File Just For Divorced Spousal Benefits And Let My Own Rate Grow?

I am 62 and divorced and meet all the necessary qualifications for applying Social Security benefits from my ex-husband. However, I am confused about one point. His benefit to me would be less per month than my own benefit. I would like to wait before collecting my own benefit to allow for a greater amount a few years down the road. I prefer to take the lesser benefit of my ex-husband and wait on my own. Can I do this? Or am I required to take the higher of the two options? Thank you for your help.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018 - 10:05

Can I File For And Suspend My Benefits In Order To Allow My Wife To Receive Spousal Benefits?

I turned 66 in October 2017. My wife started taking her retirement benefits at age 62. (She was born April 1, 1952) Can I still file and suspend as I am continuing to work and expect to work for Allegheny County till age 70. This would allow her to increase her benefit from 700 dollars as a retirement benefit to (I calculate LOL) 900 dollars as a spousal benefit if I file and suspend.

Sunday, February 25, 2018 - 16:00
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