Ask Larry

File and Suspend

Should I File & Suspend Benefits Now?

I am 67 years old and I retired on June 17. I would like to start receiving SS benefits next January ( after I turn 68 in November this year).
My wife turned 64 in April and would like to start her spousal benefits when she turns 66, to maximize her benefit.
Should we both file for and suspend benefits now, with mine to begin January 2017 and my wife's spousal benefits to begin in May 2018?

Thank you.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - 16:30

Can My Wife File & Suspend And Collect Half Of My Social Security?

I was born in November 1944 and my wife in March 1952. I took my social security in November 2010 when I reached full retirement age. I am self employed and my wife is still working and plans to continue
working for the next 3-4 years. She will reach full retirement age around March 2018. Can she file and suspend at that time, and collect half my social security. Right now, I get about $2000/ month on my social security. When should she contact Social Security.

Hi Vijay,

Monday, July 4, 2016 - 13:30

Can I File and Suspend Now?

My husband and is 71 yrs old he started collecting SS at 62. I am 66 yrs old started collecting SS at 62. Can I suspend collecting my SS now till I am 70yrs old to get the 32% increase when I turn 70 yrs old. Thanks, Dee

Hi Dee, yes now that you've reached your full retirement age (FRA), you can suspend your retirement benefit up to age 70 and earn delayed retirement credits of 8% per year applied monthly. But you won't be able to receive a spousal benefit while your retirement benefit is suspended. Thanks, John

Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 13:00

What Should I Do Now?

I will turn 66 late June, 2016. Do I need to do the FILE AND SUSPEND Benefit? I am working at a state agency and plan to do so until I am 70 to get full retirement benefits. I was married for 10 years and have been divorced for 20 years can I file for spousal benefits while still working and then file on my work history at 70 for SS retirement. Thank you for your time.


No, you should not file and suspend. That would keep you from getting a full divorced spousal benefit.

Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 11:00

Can You File and Suspend at 62?

Can a spouse who hasn't worked, draw Medicare A & B from their living spouse (whose possibly still working because the one that's working is 4 years younger) after having been married for over twenty years. I was told that the younger spouse - who's still working- can suspend at 62 and continue to work and the non working spouse could then draw off their record at 66. Thanks, Sadie

Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - 19:15

Should I File And Suspend Now?

I will be 62 in October 2016.

My wife will be 62 in January 2020.

I have been reading your book and plan to enroll into your household website ($40) after I finish the book.

Here is my question:

Assuming we delay taking our benefits until we are at or closer to FRA of 66,

Strategy: I am thinking I should file on 7/1/2016 and then suspend sometime before I turn 62 in October 2016.

Monday, June 27, 2016 - 17:00
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