Ask Larry

What Should I Do Now?

I will turn 66 late June, 2016. Do I need to do the FILE AND SUSPEND Benefit? I am working at a state agency and plan to do so until I am 70 to get full retirement benefits. I was married for 10 years and have been divorced for 20 years can I file for spousal benefits while still working and then file on my work history at 70 for SS retirement. Thank you for your time.


No, you should not file and suspend. That would keep you from getting a full divorced spousal benefit.

Assuming you are unmarried now, what you should almost certainly do is apply for just divorced spousal benefits now, then file on your own account at age 70. Your ex does have to be at least 62 before you can draw on her record, though.

Best, Jerry

Jun 30 2016 - 11:00am
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