Ask Larry

Can You File and Suspend at 62?

Can a spouse who hasn't worked, draw Medicare A & B from their living spouse (whose possibly still working because the one that's working is 4 years younger) after having been married for over twenty years. I was told that the younger spouse - who's still working- can suspend at 62 and continue to work and the non working spouse could then draw off their record at 66. Thanks, Sadie

Hi Sadie, questions about Medicare are beyond the scope of the software and Ask Larry. It's not possible to suspend a retirement benefit until full retirement age (FRA), which is 66 for those born before 1955. Due to the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, no one can collect an auxiliary benefit such as a spousal benefit on the record of someone who suspends after May 1 2016. Thanks, John

Jun 29 2016 - 7:15pm
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