Ask Larry: Questions and Answers

Displaying 201 - 210 of 10063 questions.

Can You Help Me Set Up A 'My Social Security Account'?

I am having difficulty getting a my social security account. It does not recognize me. I tried everything. Can you help me?

Hi. I'm sorry, but no. My expertise is limited to Social Security benefits, not the Social Security website. You'll probably need to contact Social Security directly to ask for assistance.

Best, Jerry

Category: Miscellaneous
Posted: Mar 6 2023 - 4:11pm

How Would Withdrawing My Claim Affect My Taxes?

I started social security benefits in August 2022, but I want to withdraw them now, March 2023. I'm within the one-year limit. I had other income in 2022, so the tax on the benefits would be high. So I want to give them back. But: if the income is in 2022 and the withdraw and payback is in 2023, Do I need to pay IRS income tax on the benefits with my 2022 taxes and then somehow take it back on my 2023 taxes? That would be difficult: I can't give the IRS 20% or 30% if I have to give 100% back to the SSA.

Hi. Your tax obligation for 2022 will be based on the . . . Read More

Category: Taxation Of Benefits
Posted: Mar 6 2023 - 3:56pm

Can I File Now To Start My Benefits In May?

Hi Larry. I am approaching 70 YOA in July, 2023. As I was born prior to Jan 1, 1954 I have been receiving half my husband's FRA benefit after he filed a few months after his FRA. He was also born prior to Jan 1, 1954. I'm very concerned about the current debt ceiling stalemate in Congress and I'm thinking of filing to receive benefits starting in May rather than July. Sort of getting my request on the record before they start cutting benefits. Can I file now in March to start in May? Do you thing this is a good idea? It would only cost be about $350 annually. Thanks very much. . . . Read More

Category: Filing Strategies
Posted: Mar 6 2023 - 3:41pm

Can My Wife Do A Retro Claim To Change From Her Amount To Half Of Mine?

My brother in law is about to claim his SSA benefit at age 70. He said his wife will claim hers as well, but will receive half his benefit rather than her own since it is higher than hers. My question is ... I claimed my benefit at full retirement age and my wife did so at age 62. Since half of my benefit is more than her benefit, can we do a retro claim of half mine for her rather than what she now receives?

Hi. No. Your wife could potentially withdraw the application she filed at age 62, but only if a) she's been drawing benefits for less than 12 months . . . Read More

Category: Filing Options
Posted: Mar 6 2023 - 3:01pm

Is My Husband Entitled To Spousal Benefits From My Social Security?

My husband is a retired letter carrier and does not receive social security benefits. He has health issues and recently got a kidney transplant. Is he entitled to spousal benefits from my social security? He is 73 and I am 71. He has been retired since 2008.

Hi. The short answer is, probably not. If your husband applies for spousal benefits it sounds like he would be likely be technically entitled, but there is a Government Pension Offset (GPO) provision that would probably prevent him from actually collecting any spousal benefits. Assuming that your . . . Read More

Category: Spousal Benefits
Posted: Mar 6 2023 - 1:33pm

Am I Limited To The Monthly Earnings Limit In The Months Prior To FRA?

Hi Larry....great that you do this for people...some of the other people's questions are close to mine but not exactly...I'm still working in 2023...I'm to start benefits for April 1...this is my FRA...year..full r age August...I still need to work till the end of this year...I will not be any where near the 56k by Aug 1 but might go over 4710 in April and may because of vacation I limited to the monthly amount or yearly for the time between April and August..thanks

Hi. No. If you'll reach your full retirement age (FRA) in August 2023 and if . . . Read More

Category: Earnings Test
Posted: Mar 6 2023 - 1:23pm

How Do I Calculate The Amount I Would Receive If I Apply For Survivor Benefits?

I'm trying to determine if the benefit amount given to me during an SSA phone appointment is correct. I'm 60 years old and my ex-husband (married 23 yrs) died in 2021 at age 59. The SSA rep disclosed ex-husband's PIA (full retirement benefit at age 67) =$3245. I was told if I waited until age 67 my survivor benefit would be $2677 (82.5%). It seems this is because my Ex-husband was receiving SSDI (SSA rep wouldn't disclose). My question is: If I take benefit now (age 60yr 11m) using chart of 'Reduced Benefits for Survivor born 1962 or Later' it shows 79.3%. Is this percentage . . . Read More

Category: Divorced Widow(er) Benefits
Posted: Mar 5 2023 - 11:52am

If I Apply For DAC Benefits Now Will It Cause Another CDR?

I have been disabled since I was 21. My father died years ago and just found out that I may be eligible for DAC benefits. Social security never informed me of this. I got a CDR in 2019 and they approved and never have brought up applying for a DAC. If I apply now will I get another CDR because of the DAC application. I read that it will but wanted to ask you too. Thanks

Hi. Applying for disabled adult child (DAC) benefits wouldn't necessarily cause a continuing disability review (CDR) of the benefits you currently receive. The only way that it would is if . . . Read More

Category: Disabled Adult Child Benefits
Posted: Mar 5 2023 - 11:41am

If I Work 32 Hours A Week For The Next 4 Years Will It Change The Amount That I'd Get From Social Security?

I’ve been working since I was 13 1/2 years old. With a couple of breaks in between because of sickness. For about a year both times I work 40 hours and I’m 66 1/2 years old so I am at retiring age. My question is if I was to go to 32 hours for the next four years till 70 would the amount that I would get from Social Security Change, and if so, approximately how much

Hi. I can't answer that without knowing your full annual Social Security covered earnings history and the annual amount that you'd be earning in the future. Social Security retirement benefits . . . Read More

Category: Benefit Amount
Posted: Mar 4 2023 - 2:36pm

Will My Oldest Child's Check Come Back To The Family When He Graduates?

My family receives survivor benefits and my oldest turned 18 in Dec but doesn’t graduate until May. He went to social security and had his check turned over to him. When he graduates, will his check come back to the family?

Hi. When your oldest child's benefits stop, it will only increase the amount of benefits payable to other family members if their benefit rate is being reduced due to the family maximum benefit (FMB) amount. Surviving children can be paid up to 75% of the primary insurance amount (PIA) of the deceased parent, but if the total amount of . . . Read More

Category: Miscellaneous
Posted: Mar 4 2023 - 2:05pm
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