Ask Larry

Non-Covered Pension - WEP / GPO

Is It True That All I Get Is The $255 Death Benefit?

My husband retired at 62, received 1 SS check and died the next month. I retired at 62, had enough work in the SS system to collect SS. I also had 10 years in the state school retirement system. I thought I would be able to pick up his SS after his death but I’m told all I get is the $255 death benefit. Is all this true or is there something I ca do about this?


I'm sorry for your loss.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 10:35

Will I Be Able To Collect My Full State Government Pension And Social Security When I Retire?

Hi Larry,
I saw you mentioned in an AARP publication.
Question: I’m 76 and still working for the State of California which has a pention plan that I pay into. The State also contributes. I am now collecting Social Security monthly. My wife age 72 is also collecting Social Security. When I retire, will I be able to continue to collect Social Security with a reduction and get my full government pension?
Please let me know.

Hi Steve,

Sunday, February 17, 2019 - 11:50

Why Wouldn't My Wife's Spousal Benefits Be Offset If She Receives German Social Security Benefits?

German citizen spouse is receiving US spousal social security benefits based on my record (~$1400). She will be entitled to German Social Security in November of 2019 (~$550). She never worked in the US. I understand from your previous answers that Government Pension Offset (GPO) does not apply to foreign pensions. GN 02608.400 B also states that GPO does not apply to social security benefits.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - 16:30

How Does A 10 Year Transfer Payout Annuity In Lieu Of A Lump Sum Affect GPO And WEP?

How does a 10 year transfer payout annuity in lieu of a lump sum affect GPO and WEP? (Educator in Louisiana). Do the penalties go away at the end of the 10 year period? Also, is the initial lump sum estimated from the day you quit working, the day you are eligible to draw a pension, or the day you actually start withdrawals? I bought your software a few years ago but couldn't get it to match these questions. Thanks!


Tuesday, February 12, 2019 - 17:34

Would My Canadian Pension Be Deducted From My U.S. Social Security Spousal Payment?

Context: I am a Canadian citizen who twelve years ago, I moved to the USA and married a US citizen. I have just started to receive a spousal pension under Social Security. I am also now eligible to apply for my Canadian pension, having paid into the Canada Pension Plan my whole whole working life.

Question: If I start to collect my Canadian pension, will US Social Security deduct the amount of my earned Canadian pension payment from my spousal Social Security payment?


Wednesday, February 6, 2019 - 09:35

Am I Excepted From The Windfall Elimination Provision?

Am I an exception to the Windfall Elimination Provision? I am a clergy person who began my career in June 1984. At that time I exempted myself from Social Security by filing form 4361 with the IRS. I have worked for religious non-profits much of my career but have also had jobs which withheld social security taxes. The Social Security Administration has a two-page flyer that says in part, "The Windfall Elimination Provision doesn't apply if: ...

Tuesday, February 5, 2019 - 10:36

Do I Have A Grievance?

I am a Federal retiree who also worked in private industry. I receive both a Federal Pension and Social Security.
In the latest issue of the AARP Bulletin, Jane Bryant Quinn states that your Social Security can't be less than
half of your Pension (see page 31 of the bulletin). My Social Security is 29% of my pension - do I have a
grievance since it is less than 50%?


Friday, January 25, 2019 - 11:02

If I Accept My Husband's Social Security Do I Still Have To Pay Windfall Elimination To Social Security?

My husband Social Security Benefit at 70 years old is about $3800, mine is $1000.
My pension from CalSTRS is about $525 a month.
We are divorcing.
Question: If I accept his social security do I still have to pay Windfall elimination to the Social Security? How much would it be?


Tuesday, January 22, 2019 - 16:02
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