Ask Larry

Railroad Retirement Benefits

Do You Know Of Anyone I Could Talk To About My Problems With Railroad Retirement?

I was a railroad engr. for 30 years and paid into railroad retirement, I retired dec. 20, so far the retirement board has not given me any retirement, they have missed 2 payments and say they are working on it. I would like to talk to someone about my problem, do you have any ideas who I would talk to?


Saturday, February 16, 2019 - 09:30

Why Would Someone Pass Such Legislation?

Hi, I am a retired Railroader with over 32 years of service, during my tenure there was times of furloughs and I would find work to bridge the gab, I have always held a part time job at the time of my retirement I kept on working and was asked to go full time which I did, now I find out that there is a clause called pre retirement non railroad employment and that deductions are taken regardless of age in other words as long as I stay where I'm at these deductions are for life. Who and why would someone pass such legislation? what difference does it matter where I'm employed?

Monday, November 5, 2018 - 07:32

Should I Bother Filing For Railroad Benefits?

Hello Larry, I am 66 year old woman, divorced from my hubby who worked for the RR. We were married 18 years. I'm not good at a paper work and trying to understand all this retirement stuff. I would like to know, am I able to collect SS and retirement benefits from the RR. I've been reading, Googled, searched..and I still don't know if I should bother filing for RR benefits. Will it or won't it help what I receive when I retire?
Thank You

Hi Marsha,

Wednesday, July 4, 2018 - 09:26

Can I Retire From The Railroad At Age 55 And Get Tier 1 & Tier 2 Benefits At Age 60?

Im 35 years old. I have 10 years of railroad service. Can i retire from the railroad at the age of 55 with thirty years of service, and still get tier 1 and tier 2 benefits when i turn 60? I would not find employment after turning 55 and live off of investments. If it is actually possible to do this, what kind of reduction in benefits should i expect?


I'm sorry, but Social Security is my only area of expertise. My only familiarity with Railroad Retirement benefits is in regard to how they interrelate with Social Security benefits.

Friday, March 23, 2018 - 11:25

Can My Ex-Spouse Receive Spousal Benefits From My Railroad Pension?

I am the surviving spouse of a RR Employee I receive a RR Monthly pension or annuity. Would my ex spouse be able to receive spousal benefits from my RR pension or annuity. He is 79 and has been drawing his SS since he was 65. I was married to my ex spouse for 30 yrs. I am 74 and never remarried after my husband passed away.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017 - 07:59

How Do I Find Out About My Railroad Tier 1 & Tier 2 Benefits?

My ex and I divorced in 1991. He retired in 2014 from the RR and began receiving RR Retirement benefits. I also started receiving a small portion (less than $500/month) in 2014 and now, I may have to retire within the next year. I see from other messages that you mention "Tier 1 & Tier 2" RR retirement benefits. How do I find out what those are so I can be fully prepared with what my financial situation will be when I do have to retire.


Thursday, September 14, 2017 - 08:30

Will My Railroad Benefits End If I Remarry?

I am a widow aged 76. If I remarry, will I be able to continue drawing my deceased husband's railroad retirement? A scary thought if I should lose it.


Although I'm not an expert on Railroad Retirement, my understanding is that Railroad widow's benefits do not terminate due to a remarriage occurring at or after age 60 (

Best, Jerry

Friday, August 25, 2017 - 07:29
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