Ask Larry

Can I Retire From The Railroad At Age 55 And Get Tier 1 & Tier 2 Benefits At Age 60?

Im 35 years old. I have 10 years of railroad service. Can i retire from the railroad at the age of 55 with thirty years of service, and still get tier 1 and tier 2 benefits when i turn 60? I would not find employment after turning 55 and live off of investments. If it is actually possible to do this, what kind of reduction in benefits should i expect?


I'm sorry, but Social Security is my only area of expertise. My only familiarity with Railroad Retirement benefits is in regard to how they interrelate with Social Security benefits.

You may want to try researching your question on the Railroad Retirement Board's website (, or you can find your nearest RRB office using their office locator:

Best, Jerry

Mar 23 2018 - 11:25am
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