Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Is Filing and Suspending Necessary before Filing for a Spousal Beneift?

Hi, Both my wife and I are 66 and we both work. I am drawing my benefit and my wife is getting ready to file. Does my wife have the option to suspend her benefit until she is 70 and draw 1/2 of my benefit? If she has that option, will it reduce my monthly benefit, or will I receive my full benefit and she receives half of mine? Thanks, Leo

Thursday, July 7, 2016 - 22:30

Can My Husband File On His Own Account At Age 66 & Spousal Benefits At 70?

My husband and I will turn 66 in Nov 2016. I will keep working and not file for SS until age 70. If my husband files at age 66 for his own benefits, when he turns 70, can he file for spousal benefits if half of my SS is more than his SS (that he started getting at age 66)? Something about deemed filing?



Hi Rita,

Thursday, July 7, 2016 - 16:30

Can I File For My Own Benefit at Age 70?

My wife turned 68 in 2013. She started taking her SS benefits at that time. I was 66 at the time & filed for spousal benefits. We have been receiving these benefits since then. Next year I will turn 70, and it has been my understanding that I can then file for my own benefits, which have continued to grow. Is this correct? Thanks

Yes, you can file for your retirement benefit when you turn 70 and it will be 32% higher than if you had taken it at age 66.

Thursday, July 7, 2016 - 13:00

Can I Receive 50% of My Wife's SSDI Benefit?

I was born 9/3/50 and will reach full retirement age in two months. My wife was born on 4/5/57 and is currently receiving SSD. I had heard that I could file and suspend my benefits and receive 50% of my wife's. When I went to the Social Security office, a female employee told me that the new law ended that. Reading your article in Forbes now has me wondering if that info was correct or not. Can you elucidate?

Thursday, July 7, 2016 - 12:30

Will We Be Deemed?

Hi, My wife will be 65 this year and I will be 64. Neither of us are currently taking SS, but she is planning to take her's this year, one year before her FRA, and I am planning to wait until I am 70. We realize that her monthly payment will be slightly less than if she waits till her FRA of age 66, but I would like to know whether she will be able to do that and still switch to a spousal contribution when I finally take my social security at age 70.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016 - 21:00

Is There a Better Strategy for Us?

Hi, I started receiving my Social Security benefits when I turned 62, two years ago [~1100/mo]. I had 'retired' from the City of Portland in 1998 with a Medical Layoff that was 'supposed to' turn into a Disability Retirement. Standard Insurance refused the Disability Retirement, after Appeals. So I considered my 'early retirement' as delayed Disability payments. My wife will turn 63 in October. At this point in time, are there any 'strategies' we can use that will increase our income?

Wednesday, July 6, 2016 - 20:45

How Should Spouses with an Age Difference File?

Hi, I will be 69 in April, 2017 and my wife will be 42 in October, 2016. I have been collecting SS since 2014 all the while working full time (as a high school teacher). I intend to work at least until I am 70 (full time and then substitute teach after that). My wife works part time at 2 jobs (40 hours or more per week). Any suggestions as to how to maximize our benefits? Thanks, Mark

Wednesday, July 6, 2016 - 20:00
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