Ask Larry

Can I Receive 50% of My Wife's SSDI Benefit?

I was born 9/3/50 and will reach full retirement age in two months. My wife was born on 4/5/57 and is currently receiving SSD. I had heard that I could file and suspend my benefits and receive 50% of my wife's. When I went to the Social Security office, a female employee told me that the new law ended that. Reading your article in Forbes now has me wondering if that info was correct or not. Can you elucidate?

You do not want to file for, and suspend receipt of your retirement benefit, that would reduce or totally eliminate your spouse's benefit.
If your wife is currently collecting SSDI, i.e. disability benefits, then you can file a restricted application for spouse's benefits only at or after your full retirement age (FRA). Don't file before your FRA or you won't be able to file a restricted application. You can then wait until you're 70 to collect your retirement benefit.

Jul 7 2016 - 12:30pm
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