Ask Larry

How Should Spouses with an Age Difference File?

Hi, I will be 69 in April, 2017 and my wife will be 42 in October, 2016. I have been collecting SS since 2014 all the while working full time (as a high school teacher). I intend to work at least until I am 70 (full time and then substitute teach after that). My wife works part time at 2 jobs (40 hours or more per week). Any suggestions as to how to maximize our benefits? Thanks, Mark

Mark, the age difference means there are not a lot of different strategies available. You cannot claim a spousal benefit until your wife files for her retirement benefit, which can't happen for another 20 years at the earliest. Because your wife was born after January 1 1954, she won't be able to file just for her spousal benefit, even at her full retirement age (FRA) of 67. So it's a question of when she should file for both her spousal and her retirement benefits: at 62 when they'll both be reduced; at 67 when they won't be reduced; or at 70 when her retirement benefit will be increased to it's maximum level, or at some other point between 62 and 70. Our software can help but since these decisions are still at least 20 years in the future, it might be best to hold off using it unless you want to get a rough idea now. Thanks, John

Jul 6 2016 - 8:00pm
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