Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

If I Collect Spousal Benefits At Age 66, Will My Own Benefits Be Reduced?

I am reading your updated version of your book. I am even more confused than ever. I navigated complex Medicare regulations for a hospice program. That was easy peasy compared to this. I just can wrap my mind around these new rules. So my question is: I will be 66 in Feb 2017. My husband is 76 and currently taking SS(started at 62).
My plan is to wait til 70 to take my SS. Now, am I to wait and at 70 collect both my total SS and half of his at the same time? If I collect half of his at 66 it seems then I would be jeopardizing my maximum at 70. Do I have this right?

Friday, July 22, 2016 - 14:00

Are My Assumptions Correct?

I will turn 67 in August and will retire in September. My wife is 69, not currently working, and drawing SS on her previous work. (She applied at age 62.) When I turned 66, FRA, I applied for spousal benefits. My SS benefits will be significantly larger than my wife's.
My plan is to file for benefits on my own in October and have my wife apply for spousal benefits. She will then receive $200-300 "excess" benefits over what she is currently receiving (at 50% of mine), and I will receive my Full Retirement Amount.

Friday, July 22, 2016 - 11:30

What Is The Proper Way To File A Restricted Application For Spousal Benefits?

Hello, I purchased your first book back in march 2015 and I have been following along with the changes to the filing strategies. My wife will turn 62 on September 28 2016 and i will turn 66 on October 8th 2016. On Friday July 15th we went to the social security office and she filed for benefits. Then the clerk asked if I wanted to file too because my birthday was coming up soon . I told her that I would want to file a restricted application for spousal benefits only. She then told me that I couldn't do that. Then I thought "Here we go".

Monday, July 18, 2016 - 10:15

How Can My Wife File A Restricted Application For Spousal Benefits?

I filed and suspended prior to the dead line (dob 12-15-48), my wife will be 66 in Dec. (dob 12-14-50). Where can we get specific instructions on how and when she should file for spousal benefits so her own benefits can continue to grow until she is 70? Would she be able to get her first check in Jan. 2017?


Sunday, July 17, 2016 - 12:15

What Happens If My Wife Starts At Age 64?

Reading your book Get What's Your," i learned that my wife's spousal benefit is equal to 1/2 of my FRA benefit. For hers to dominate she would have to take her own by working to 69; where here amount would be greater than 1/2 my FRA. She is 2 years younger than me. If she begins collecting her benefit at 64 (assuming i am collecting) are there income limits on her income or penalties on her collection as she has not reached her FRA ?


Saturday, July 16, 2016 - 12:15

Should I File For Spousal Benefits Now?

7/6/16 Larry: I bought your book about six or eight months ago, GET WHAT's YOURS which has a publication date of February 2015. So it is now out of date. I am waiting until I hit age 67 this fall to file for ss benefits. My wife is a few months younger and just filed for her full benefits in June 2016. I would like to file for the spousal benefit under her until late this fall when I will I will reach 67. Would that hurt the monthly benefit I will receive. I just was forced out of my job a few days ago. My benefit will be considerably larger than what she is receiving.

Friday, July 15, 2016 - 09:45

How Can We Collect the Most Social Security?

Phone (602) 849-6201 Location AZ
Ask your question here! I am 54 and husband is 58. Hiw can we collect the most Social Security? Thanks

Your question can't be answered without specific information. Maximizing lifetime Social Security benefits depends on the relationship of your benefit to your husband's benefit. As well as your exact birthdays. Our software, MaximizeMySocialSecurity, can determine the filing strategy that maximizes your lifetime Social Security benefits.

Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 21:15
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

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