Ask Larry

Can I File A Restricted Application For Spousal Benefits When I Turn 66?

I realize that the restricted application for Social Security is only available now for those who were born on or before January 1, 1954. I qualify on that basis (having been born in April 1953). My wife, however, does not qualify, having been born in February 1954.
1. Under these circumstances, when I turn 66 (my FRA), can I use the restricted application option and file for spousal benefits and let my benefits grow? Even though my wife does not qualify under the date range?
2. Should I – or do I need to – wait until she turns 66 to do this? Or can I do it when I turn 66 and she is still 65?


You can file a restricted application for just spousal benefits only at your full retirement age regardless of your wife's age and date of birth, but you could only receive spousal benefits if your wife is drawing her benefits.

It sounds like you and your wife have many possible filing options available to you, so you should strongly consider using our maximization software in order to determine your best overall strategy.

Best, Jerry

Mar 27 2018 - 1:49pm
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