Ask Larry

Delayed Retirement Credits

Is What Social Security Told Us About My Wife's Extra Credits Correct?

My wife reached her full retirement age (66) last November. We went to our local security office last week and didn't have a very helpful person. My wife signed up for social security to start in April this year with the first check coming in May. We expected to receive the amount earned at 66 plus 5 months of extended credit for waiting 5 months past her retirement age. The social security representative said my wife will not receive the payment for the additional 5 months until next year, just the amount due at 66. I had never heard that before is it correct? Thank you.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020 - 07:55

How Much Of A Timeline Do I Have To Suspend My Benefits?

Hi Larry, I've been receiving SSDI for a decade & was just converted to Reg. benefits at my FRA of 66 in 12/2019. I'm an RN who often worked limited hours while disabled - as per SSA guidelines. I'm considering suspending benefits until 70 only if there's any hope for improvement per the reasoning in my next paragraph....otherwise, it's not worth it for me. How much of a timeline do I have to suspend benefits and reimburse the SSA after turning 66 two mos ago? I've read conflicting reports of 6 mos, 12 mos, etc. ... but here's the bigger problem:

Saturday, February 22, 2020 - 18:24

Is It True That My Benefit Will Increase Now That I've Reached Age 70?

At age 67 I changed from survivor SS to my SS. I was told at that time that my SS would increase at age 70. If this is true when will I get my increase? I turned 70 October 22, 2019.


I'm sorry to tell you this, but it sounds like you must have been misinformed. If you had waited until age 70 to switch to your own Social Security retirement benefits then your benefit rate would have continued to grow by 8% per year due to delayed retirement credits (DRC). However, once you start drawing your own benefits you stop accruing DRCs.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 16:55

Is My Understanding Correct?

Hi Larry, I turn 67 on 27 December this year. If I file for Social Security in January 2020, my understanding is that I will get 8% additional due to DRC's. 1st question: Is my understanding correct? By filing in January, will I also get an additional 0.67% the following January due to earning a month's worth of DRC by filing in January of 2020? Similarly, if I waited until February of 2020 to file, meaning my first check comes in March, would I have earned an additional 2 months of DRC's that would be applied the following January automatically to my social security benefit?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 - 12:34

When My Disability Payments Convert At Age 65 Can I Delay Taking It To Increase My Wife's Survivor Rate?

I have been receiving social security disability for ~15 years. I turn 65 December 2019.
My wife is my caregiver, turned 60 this year, and has not been employed outside the home. (Became a stay at home Mom 35 years ago, then my primary caregiver.) It is likely she will survive me within the next 5-7 years. Social Security at that point will be her primary source of funds.
When my disability payments convert at age 65, can I delay taking it to increase benefits she will receive?


Sunday, October 6, 2019 - 14:47

How Will My Age 70 Rate Be Calculated?

Thanks for your software offer. I doubt I'll be needing it though as I am now 70yrs old. I would have used it assuredly if I had seen it some years ago.....I filed early at 62 - rcvd payments until 66 - suspended (before apr. 2016) - am now 70yrs old - When my payments resume and my delayed benefit credits are added, are they added to my FRA, or my last payment at age 66 when I suspended? $ 1650 initially - $ 1725 at age 66 - my FRA is $ 2200. So will my new monthly payments be based on 2200 x 8% x 4yrs, or will they be based on $ 1725 x 8% x 4 yrs?

Friday, August 23, 2019 - 10:41

Is Someone Who Received SSDI Eligible To Suspend Their SS Payments After FRA In Order To Receive DRCs?

My husband began drawing SSDI in late 2015 at the age of 63. A few months after he reached FRA he requested that his SS payments be suspended in order to qualify for DRC. When he did so one agent at the local SS office informed him he was not eligible for DRC. Another agent overheard the conversation and corrected the first agent, so his SS payments are currently suspended. We have since read in a newspaper column about SS that anyone who has been on disability is not eligible to earn DRC. I have also read that on some websites.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 - 15:44
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