Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

When Should My Wife File For Benefits?

I am 62, recently retired, and plan on waiting until I'm 70 to claim my SS benefits. My wife is 61, also retired, and will turn 62 next April. Her spousal benefits (~1700) will be more than her own SS benefits (~1000). Does it make sense for her to wait until her FRA to file for her SS benefits? If she files at 62, her own benefits are reduced to ~800. If I file and suspend at 66, will she then receive the 1700 or a lesser amount?


Sunday, August 14, 2016 - 11:30

Is What I Was Told Correct?

Dear Larry,

Thank you for your book, which I am almost finished.

I am 68 years old and have not filed for ss benefits - wishing to get the max at 70 - $3,162)
However, I need to take some benefits now as I'm not making enough to cover expenses.
I was thinking of two possible scenarios:

1) I file now in August and get 5 months x my current monthly benefit of $2773 through December, 2016
2) I file retroactively for 6 months and get 11 months x the lower months benefit of $2,693 through December 2016

Friday, August 12, 2016 - 11:15

Should My Wife File For Reduced Benefits Now So That I Can File For Spousal Benefits?

I turned 66 in April. My wife is 63. I have not applied for anything with the SS. I plan on working until I am 70 before starting SS benefits. Would the best way to maximize our benefits be for her to start her benefits now and then me apply for spousal benefits until I reach 70? We both have long life expectancies.


Friday, August 12, 2016 - 11:00

When Should I Begin Taking Social Security Benefits?

Hello, my 62 year old husband is on Disability Social Security. He began collecting at 61 due to Lewy Body Dementia disease. I will be 61 in October 2016. I have read in your column that spouses can collect additional monies from their spouses SS even while the spouse is collecting. Is this the case with Disability Social Security. I am now wrestling with when I should begin taking SS - at 62 or 66 and 2 months? I am not working as I am the primary caregiver for my husband. We are currently living off our savings and his DSS payments.

Thursday, August 11, 2016 - 11:45

Should I File At Age 62?

My second husband and I were together for nine years before i left in 2004. We were married in 1995. I filed for divorce in 2004 and the final decree was made in 2006. I have several health issues, am 58, would it be wise to file at 62 under his? He made more that I during his career and is ten years older than I.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - 11:15

Can I File For Reduced Benefits On My Record Now, And Switch To Spousal Benefits At FRA?

My birthdate is 11/1953. Last year I had an accident and am still unable to work. I've been left with various disabilities but I'm not eligible for Social Security Disability because I didn't have enough work quarters. My husband of 28yrs was born 5/1940, began taking his SS at the age of 62, and he receives $2200. a month. I receive a very small amount of worker's compensation. I need more income and feel that I must begin to collect SS at this point. I did get your wonderful book last year but still have a question regarding my circumstances.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 - 11:15

What Is My Best Strategy?

My husband, a retired Federal employee, will claim his SS benefits next year at age 70. I just turned 65. Which is better - for me to claim my SS benefits and suspend them and claim spousal benefits or for me to wait to age 70 to claim SS?


Monday, August 8, 2016 - 11:00
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  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

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