Ask Larry

Can I Receive Benefits On A Spouse's Record Now, Then Switch To My Own Account At Age 70?

Hi Larry, i am 64'and retiring the end of 2016. Can I defer my sis until age 70 and in the interim collect on my ex benefits? Also can I collect anything on my first husbands benefits who died 35 years ago while we were married?


You couldn't receive divorced spousal benefits before age 66 without also filing for reduced benefits on your own account, but you may be able to draw widow's benefits now and switch to your own account at age 70. Or, you could file for divorced spousal benefits only at age 66, then switch to your own at age 70. Or, it may be better to file for reduced benefits on your own record first, then file for unreduced widow's benefits at age 66.

Since it sounds like you may be eligible for benefits on 3 different records, there are numerous possible filing strategies available to you. The best strategy depends on multiple factors, so you may wish to run the maximization software available on this website in order to determine what's best for you.

Best, Jerry

Aug 9 2016 - 12:15pm
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