Ask Larry

Can I File For Reduced Benefits On My Record Now, And Switch To Spousal Benefits At FRA?

My birthdate is 11/1953. Last year I had an accident and am still unable to work. I've been left with various disabilities but I'm not eligible for Social Security Disability because I didn't have enough work quarters. My husband of 28yrs was born 5/1940, began taking his SS at the age of 62, and he receives $2200. a month. I receive a very small amount of worker's compensation. I need more income and feel that I must begin to collect SS at this point. I did get your wonderful book last year but still have a question regarding my circumstances. If I apply now I am eligible for approx. $832 a month according to the SS statement I just received. I'm thinking that I should apply on my own record only now and wait until until I am 66 to apply for spousal benefits so I will get more at that time. Is that correct? I have been losing sleep worrying about my immediate future and the ability to ask you for help is a Godsend, thank you so much.


No, you can't receive benefits on your own record before full retirement age (FRA) without also filing for reduced spousal benefits. If you file for reduced benefits on either record, you'll be deemed to have filed for reduced benefits on both accounts.

Since you were born prior to 1954, you do have the option of filing for spousal benefits only at FRA, then switching to your own record at age 70. That may be the best strategy in your case, but if you need money now in order to live, you may not have the luxury of waiting. If you file for reduced retirement and spousal benefits at age 63, your total monthly benefit will be about 21% lower than your age 66 rate, but you would obviously start receiving benefits 3 years sooner. And either way, if your husband dies before you, your total benefit will increase to roughly the full amount he now receives, if not a bit more.

Best, Jerry

Aug 9 2016 - 11:15am
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