Ask Larry

Filing Options

Is There Any Reason For Me Not To File Now?

I turn 65 on May 20, 2017 and my wife on April 22, 2018. We recently moved to MO and in with our daughter & son-in law. I am currently working part-time at Home Depot and feel sure I won't make any annual salary above $20K again.
I am considering starting to receive my SS benefits. Knowing that I will receive some money less (6.7%) than at 66, is there anything really keeping me from claiming now? Thanks,

Hi Richard,

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 - 06:45

If I Sign Up For Divorced Spousal Benefits At Age 62, Will My Rate Be Permanently Reduced?

Larry, I will be 62 in a few months. My SS amt, if I take it then, is only $627/mth. I am eligible to draw off my ex spouse who is already 62 but not going to sign up for his SS at this time. He told me his PIA at FRA is $2750/mth. Together we have a disabled adult child (disabled at age 16 - now 43). Our child lives with me and I can only work pt because she requires constant care/supervision. It has been this way for the last 27yrs.

Thursday, March 16, 2017 - 07:15

Is There Any Way To Get A One-Time Lump Sum Payment?

At the age of 42 I became permanently disabled and started receiving SSDI. I am now 68 and receive SS.
My husband was diagnosed with dementia and was placed on SSDI. He is now 70. He is in late stages of his disease.
Is there anyway or are we eligible to get a one time lump sum payment? I will not be able to live off his income alone when he passes if I don't pay off some of our bills.
Thanks so much.

Hi Charlene,

Thursday, March 16, 2017 - 06:45

Can I File For Spousal Benefits At Age 62 And Then File On My Own Record At Age 67?

My husband (6/1950) took his benefit at 65. I (9/1957) wonder if I can file for my spousal benefit at 62 and then my higher, full employment Social Security at 67? My age 62 spousal benefit would be lower then my age 62 employment benefit. If I am able to take the lower spousal benefit, will I be able to revert to a full spousal benefit if he passes away?
Thank you for your help.

Hi Jan,

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 - 06:45

Should I File At Age 66 Or Age 70?

I was planning to begin Social Security payments when I turn 66 later this year.
Looking at some of the items posted on your web site, it looks like I would be better off drawing on after tax savings and IRA money so that I can wait until age 70.
How can I construct a model to look at this?
I tried to use your sample software. I didn't know how to estimate rate of return for stock market investments. (Should I use the standard 5-7%?)
When I got done, I wasn't sure what the result told me.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017 - 06:30

Can I Take My Social Security At Age 62 And Then Switch To Widow's Benefits Later?

My husband passed away in 2015. He was on SS Disability. I wanted to know if I can take my SS at 62 then at 66 or before switch to my widow benefit. And if my husband got his Disability in 2010 did he get his full benefit as if he would have at 66?


I'm sorry for your loss.

The answer to your question is essentially yes. You wouldn't actually switch to widow's benefits if you file on your own record first, but you could get an excess widow's benefit that would raise your total rate up to the full widow's rate.

Monday, March 13, 2017 - 06:45

Can I File For Spousal Benefits Only And Then Apply For My Own Benefits At Age 70?

Hello: I will be 65 this year (June) and have not applied for SS yet. My husband will be 62 in Sept this year and will be applying to normal SS and following up with a request for SS disability, he is an 80% disabled veteran. He has been working for 30 years, but needs to retire due to complications. My question is, can I apply for SS requesting spousal benefits until I reach 70 years of age and then apply for my own SS? If by chance he is not approved for for SS disability, and has to stay at a reduced rate (62 years of age) what happens to the widow benefit when he passes?

Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 07:00

Did I Make A Mistake?

OK. The deed is done but now what? I elected to start SS at 62. Here's why: I have a pension for life of $18,000 / year that is indexed to inflation with a reputable university and includes health benefits. I've been drawing on my 403B account since 2003 using the Periodic Payments methods of the IRS to avoid the 10% penalty and it's virtually the same amount of money since I started (IE I've been living off the interest) AND I want to leave the remains of it to my sister who is living on disability. My SS is $20,500 per year.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - 07:30
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Discover tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars with Maximize My Social Security software!
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  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

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