Ask Larry

Filing Options

Is There Anything I Can Do To Receive More Money?

My ex husband died from rare lung disease at 64, already collecting SS. I collected survivor benefits on his SSI AT 62. I never looked to see what my options where just made a phone call to SS and was told what I would get on his, mine being a lot lower. I am now going to be 67 in Oct. is there anything I can do to receive more money.


I'm sorry for your loss.

Monday, September 18, 2017 - 16:09

Can My Wife File For Spousal Benefits If I File For Spousal Benefits Only?

I will be 66 in two months and have not yet applied for Social Security benefits. My wife will turn 66 three months after me, but she began collecting Social Security benefits as age 63. I plan to restricted application process to file for spousal benefits only when I turn 66 and thereby allow my own benefits to increase until I reach age 70. My question is this: when I file my restricted application, is my wife eligible to change her filing to receive spousal benefits on my work record, or is she locked into her early benefit election?
Thank you.

Saturday, September 16, 2017 - 07:08

Can I Draw My Own Benefits And Widow's Benefits?

My husband passed away last year and i began recieving widows benifits, I chose to collected on my 1st husbands benefits as it was more money, I just turned 62 this month and i want know how to maximize my social security income, An I also allowde to recieve my Social security benefits ? I did worked for more than 30 years. If so how can i get both? I would alsolike to know if I qualify for Medicare now?


I'm sorry for your loss.

Saturday, September 16, 2017 - 06:34

Can I Draw Benefits On My First Husband's Record At Age 64 And Switch To My Own Record At Age 66?

I turned 64 in Aug and have seriously considered early retirement and filing for SS in January due to inability to work FT any longer. I do not qualify for disability. I was married the first time for 28 years and my ex's reported income was less than mine, due to his self employment status where he hid half of his income. He will be 66 in October, has not started drawing SS and is remarried. I remarried at age 56 but divorced at age 58. My second husband was a high wage earner.

Monday, September 11, 2017 - 14:23

Will My Earnings This Year Increase My Benefit Rate?

I will turn 62 on September 21,2017.
Husband is 67 and took his social security at age 64.
My question is :
1) Since I wil make an estimated $50 k this year, which is about $40k higher than some of my earlier years of
working...could this increase the amount I might get at 62 ?

2)Should I wait til January of 2018 to file ?

3) Could I claim a spousal benefit and delay mine in order to get full benefits at 62 ?


Thursday, September 7, 2017 - 07:30

Am I Right?

i am turning 62 in September '17, been married 16 years to my current husband who is 10 years my junior(52). He makes significantly more money than I do. I work in the restaurant industry and would like to work part time and take my own Social Security retirement benefit saving my spousal benefit for FRA. I've read your book and I think I have the right idea.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017 - 07:08

Can My Client's Wife Draw Spousal Benefits If He Files For And Suspends His Benefits?

BTW I purchased both your book and your advisor software. But need a clarification to help my client, (Jim) from my previous email. To restate it;
My client , Jim, is 67 tomorrow and has not yet filed for SS. His wife Deb is 62 and has cancer. If Jim files and suspends, can Deb file for spousal benefits without being "deemed" to file on her record? Can she draw the spousal benefit until she urns age 70 and then draw on her own record? Thank you very much for helping us.


Friday, September 1, 2017 - 07:15

Is There Anything I Can Do?

MY husband died in Jan. of 2015. I am still working. I went to social security to see if I could draw
anything from my husband's social security. We were married 15 years. I make anywhere from $32-$37
thousand per year. I had 2 sons, one daughter-in-law and one grandson living with me at the time. I was the
only breadwinner. I received one chech for $1,200 which I had to repay. My youngest son who is in the military
insisted after my husband died that the other kids go back to Texas. (my childhood home). I now live by myself in

Friday, September 1, 2017 - 06:37

Can I Collect Spousal Benefits On My Wife's Disability Record And Wait Until Age 70 To Draw On My Own Record?

Hi Larry, I will turn 66 September 2018, my wife was born in1960 and she is receiving SS Disability. Can I collect spousal benefits on her disability while holding off on my own SS benefits until age 70? I have a much larger earning history than she has and want to provide the largest survivor benefits for her when I pass.


Sunday, August 27, 2017 - 08:41
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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Discover tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars with Maximize My Social Security software!
  • Find your maximized strategy
  • Unlimited what-ifs
  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

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