BTW I purchased both your book and your advisor software. But need a clarification to help my client, (Jim) from my previous email. To restate it;
My client , Jim, is 67 tomorrow and has not yet filed for SS. His wife Deb is 62 and has cancer. If Jim files and suspends, can Deb file for spousal benefits without being "deemed" to file on her record? Can she draw the spousal benefit until she urns age 70 and then draw on her own record? Thank you very much for helping us.
Just to clarify, I answer general Social Security questions submitted via this forum, but I don't have access to the data that customer's enter into the software. If you have specific questions about using the software or the results you receive, please submit your question via an online contact form in the help menu.
That said, the answer to all of your questions is no. Jim's wife couldn't receive spousal benefits on his record while his benefits are suspended (, and since Deb was born after January 1 1954, she couldn't file for spousal benefits at any age without also being deemed to file for retirement benefits on her own record (
Best, Jerry