Ask Larry

Is There Anything I Can Do To Receive More Money?

My ex husband died from rare lung disease at 64, already collecting SS. I collected survivor benefits on his SSI AT 62. I never looked to see what my options where just made a phone call to SS and was told what I would get on his, mine being a lot lower. I am now going to be 67 in Oct. is there anything I can do to receive more money.


I'm sorry for your loss.

Unless you had other marriages, about the only way you could receive more Social Security is if your own retirement benefit rate was higher than your widow's rate. It doesn't sound like that's the case, but your own rate will continue to grow until you reach age 70. You may want to check with Social Security around that time to see if you could get more by switching to your own record.

Best, Jerry

Sep 18 2017 - 4:09pm
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