Ask Larry

Deemed Military Wages

How Can I Know If Social Security Is Right About My Free Military Wage Credits?

My question is about free wage credits for those who served in the military from 1957 to 1997.
According to Social Security they updated my annual earnings with the free wage credits.
But I belong to a military organization (AAFMAA ) that sends me an annual document that shows what my estimated annual earnings should be, and they are higher than the data shown on my Social Security statement. I sent them a copy of my annual earnings every year I was in the military.

Monday, August 22, 2022 - 15:53

How Do I Make Sure That My Ex-Husband's Record Reflects The Credits To Which He Was Entitled?

Hi Larry,

I helped my ex husband file for social security disability benefits around 2014 for his illness and he was approved benefits. I was unaware at the time of doing his on line application of this time should maybe count as credits for his 4 years served in the 1990's . My ex husband has passed in 2016 from his illness and I am single mother raising his son that is 15, I wanted to know how do I go about making sure that his record reflects his credit if he was entitled to receive this on his social security record.

Thank You,

Sunday, November 22, 2020 - 15:54

Shouldn't My Social Security Earnings Include Extra Credits For The Years I Was In The Air Force?

I served in the Air Force from 1979-1999. I have my December pay stubs for 95, 96, 97 showing what my end of year earnings were. When I look at my social security earnings for those years it only shows my earning nothing extra. Called social security and was told if I paid into social security I don’t get anything added unless I need that amount to qualify for social security. From all I have read that doesn’t sound right. I would appreciate your thoughts on the subject


Wednesday, July 22, 2020 - 07:54

How Do I Find Out If I'm Getting My Military Benefit?

How do i find out if i am getting my Miitary benefit.<?blockquote>


I assume that what you're referring to are deemed military wages (DMW). DMW's are extra wage credits that are added to the actual military wages paid to veterans for certain years in which they were on active duty ( DMWs are then considered when calculating the worker's Social Security retirement or disability benefit rate.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 - 17:50
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