Ask Larry

If I Collect Spousal Benefits At Age 66, Will My Own Benefits Be Reduced?

I am reading your updated version of your book. I am even more confused than ever. I navigated complex Medicare regulations for a hospice program. That was easy peasy compared to this. I just can wrap my mind around these new rules. So my question is: I will be 66 in Feb 2017. My husband is 76 and currently taking SS(started at 62).
My plan is to wait til 70 to take my SS. Now, am I to wait and at 70 collect both my total SS and half of his at the same time? If I collect half of his at 66 it seems then I would be jeopardizing my maximum at 70. Do I have this right?
I tried your computer program and gave up very quickly. I may give it a go again.
Thanks for this book. I am telling everyone about it. I "made" the local library order it---both the 2015 one and then now the edited one.


Filing a restricted application for ONLY spousal benefits when you turn age 66 will have no adverse effect on your own benefit amount at age 70. Don't wait past age 66 to apply for spousal benefits, since they will be grow no higher if you wait longer to apply.

Simply put, your best strategy is almost certainly the following:
1) File a restricted application for spousal benefits only effective with the month you reach age 66; and,
2) File a separate application for benefits on your own account effective with the month you reach age 70.

You are still permitted to follow this strategy because you were born prior to 1954, and were thus grandfathered under the new law passed by Congress last year with regard to deeming.

Best, Jerry

Jul 22 2016 - 2:00pm
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