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Eligibility For Benefits

Can My Non-Citizen Parnter Receive a Widow's Benefit Based on My Record?

I'm 64 years old, an American citizen residing in Israel, and have been receiving Social Security Benefits for the past year and a half. I have a partner (female), who is not an American citizen and is currently 60 years old. We have been living together for 11 years following the passing of my late wife. My question is, in the event of my death, would my partner be eligible to continue receiving all or part of my monthly benefit? If so, how would she need to provide evidence of our partnership? Thanks, Yuval

Friday, July 1, 2016 - 12:45

What Benefits Can I Get if I'm Divorced and Disabled?

I am 60 yrs old. I was married for 10 1/2 years and have 2 kids, one still in college. I worked full time almost my entire life. I was recently seriously injured and am unable to work and am on medical leave from work with surgery pending. My ex-husband remarried. Can I draw from his Social Security if I am rendered disabled while mine continues to grow? How would I accomplish the above. If I disabled and am unable to pay for college, can my son become eligible for Social Security benefits. Thanks, Arlene

Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 19:45

What Benefits Can I Receive Based on My Ex's Record?

Hi, I am 68 and retired at age 67. I chose to wait to apply for my SS retirement until age 70 in order to maximize my benefit. I just read your book and found that I can take a divorced spousal benefit between now and age 70. I talked to SS and my ex earned more, but since I get 50% of his benefit as a former spouse, my own retirement will probably be higher at age 70. Should he pass before me, however, SS estimates that a divorced widow’s benefit will be higher than my own retirement benefit. Will SS inform me of his passing if I am receiving divorced spousal benefits?

Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 17:30

Am I elegible for other benefits?

Hello- I am 71, receiving SS since I was 62. Husband was 74 when he died Aug. 2015. He was also on SS. His SS stopped when he died and I was told I would not receive any other benefits since my earnings were higher than his during our working time. Is this correct? I still have all the bills, but only 1/2 the income?

Sorry for your loss. Yes, this is correct. You get the higher of your retirement benefit off of your own work record or the benefit that your husband was receiving when he died.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - 16:30

Can My Non-Citizen Spousal Receive Benefits Based on My Record?

Hi, Keith, all of your examples I've read so far regarding spousal benefits seem to only involve US citizen spouses. My question is how do the examples vary if your spouse is foreign born, Green Card holder but has no US based income history? I have contributed the maximum Social Security withholdings every year for 30+ years but am worried what my wife will be eligible for if something happens to me. Thanks, Keith

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 - 23:00
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