Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Can I Withdraw My Application And File For Spousal Benefits Instead?

I visited here with a question last week but would like to re-frame it slightly. I am 67 years old and continue to work. This past April I filed/suspended my application for social security benefits. My 62 year young wife has filed for SS disability and the applications is in process. It is my understanding that if her application is approved, payment would be made to her retroactive to the date of application but that it could take up to 6 months to get through the approval process.

Sunday, October 2, 2016 - 10:45

Can My Husband File For Spousal Benefits If I'm Still Working?

Hi there,
I am 61 and my husband is turning 65. He can draw when he's 66, as can I. (66 and 1 month)
He would like to delay drawing his own until age 70. Can he draw half of mine when he turns 66 while I am still employed and then switch to his own at 70? Will this in any way have impact on me drawing my benefit when I turn 66? I know the law changed, but he was born in 1952, so I think he might still be able to do this? Thanks! (Mine is the higher benefit)


Friday, September 30, 2016 - 10:15

When Should I Switch From Widow's Benefits To Retirement Benefits On My Own Record?

I am about to turn 62 this November. I am widowed and recently left a live in relationship to move into a property I own. I refinanced and am able to meet my monthly bills with my deceased spouses survivor benefit of approximately $1436. per month. I have worked as a family therapist for over 30 years but have been winding down my practice and can now only make income to the maximum of $1570 allowable while i am receiving the widows benefit.

Friday, September 30, 2016 - 08:30

Is The Any Advantage To Stopping My Benefits Now And Restarting Them At Age 70?

1. I started benefits at 62, now I am 67 (in 2 months). Is there an advantage to stop now and restart at 70 if I am not going to be working more?
2. My husband who is still working and 63 yrs old, plans to work till 70 but file for my spousal at 67.
3. Can we both file for spousal on each other when he is 67 and then start our own benefits when we each reach 70?


I'll address your questions in order:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 11:00

How Can I Get The Most Benefits?

I haven't applied for benefits yet.
I'm 69 (still working), wife is 60 (working), child is 17 HS senior, (it is what it is).
I bought your book "Get What's Yours" and didn't see an example of my situation.
Can you clarify how I can get the most benefits?
Thanks so much

Hi AJ,

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 10:45

Can I Switch To My Husband's Record When He Starts Collecting?

Hi - I am an unemployed spouse, and I will be turning 62 in January. My monthly benefit is going to be very low, as I health issues have limited the number of years I was able to work, but, because of those health issues, my husband is encouraging me to file asap, rather than waiting until 65 or 70. (I have never collected SS disability, either). However - my husband is 8 years younger than I am, and plans to continue working for at least another ten years before he considers filing on his record.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 10:30

Should I File Early So That My Wife And Children Can Start Receiving Benefits?

Larry, I am 63, married with 2 dependent kids ages 5 & 7. My wife is age 43. My questions are if I retire now what additional benefits might I pick up with 2 dependent children and wife?
If I die will my wife be able to continue with my full benefits and if so for how long?
Lastly, can I continue to work and make money and if so what impact will that have on my benefits?
Thanks in advance,

Hi BP,

Saturday, September 24, 2016 - 11:30

Do You Think I Should File Now?

I recently retired from my job at a not for profit (aka not large salary) job. I'll be 65 in December FRA benefits would have been $1,118 IF I were still earning last salary. My husband still working for now plans on delaying receiving benefits until 70. (His current benefit at age 65 would be $2,200). His family has a history of long life, mine is quite the opposite. I'm considering taking my benefits at my 65th birthday since I'm no longer contributing. What is your opinion? Many thanks


Friday, September 23, 2016 - 11:30
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Get What's Yours!
Discover tens of thousands in extra retirement dollars with Maximize My Social Security software!
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  • Unlimited what-ifs
  • Step-by-Step filing instructions
  • Our software's lifetime-benefit increase for an illustrative couple earning $65K each and planning to take retirement benefits at 62.

    Results will differ based on your specific case and filing strategy.

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