Ask Larry

Filing Strategies

Can I Start Receiving Full Benefits In January Of The Year I Reach FRA?

I will turn 66 on November 30 2017 , can I start receiving my full social security benefits in January of 2017 . I was under the impression you could start your benefits in January of the calendar year you turn 66 , is this right ? Thank you


No. You can file for benefits effective with January, but since you won't reach full retirement age (FRA) until November, your benefit rate will be reduced for age if you do. In your case, starting benefits 10 months prior to FRA would result in a 5.55% reduction from your full retirement age rate.

Friday, November 18, 2016 - 15:30

When Should My Husband Start His Benefits?

My husband turns 66 on March 1, 2017 and I am filling out the form to apply for his SS benefit as he wants to start receiving benefits at age 66, his full retirement age. (Note: he was born on the first of the month.) On the form they ask: Do you want benefits to start in 02/2017?
You must choose "Yes" or "No" for this field.
Yes No (Your other available option is 03/2017.)
Do I choose the 02/2017 one since they use the day before as the actual date of FRA??
thanks for your help.


Thursday, November 17, 2016 - 19:30

Which Is True?

My 401K counselor is 70 years old. She says that since age 65 she has taken full benefits and worked full time, WHILE STILL GETTING HER 8% INCREASE. I turn 66 in May and work full time and have been under the impression that if I take my SS benefits I will lose the 8% increase, even though I work full time. Which is true? Thank you for your answer, I appreciate your help.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 10:00

Can I Start Drawing Benefits At FRA And Still Get Higher Benefits At Age 70?

I am age 65, and plan to continue working until age 70. I was told that if I begin taking my social security next year at FRA, my benefit will continue to rise based on my $175,000 per year salary from age 66-70 so that my age 70 benefit will actually be higher than if I defer taking any benefit to age 70. Is this correct? Seems to good to be true. Thank you.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016 - 12:45

Can My Wife File For Reduced Retirement Benefits And Switch To Spousal Benefits At FRA?

I have been on SSDI for the last 15 years due to accident at work and will reach FRA on January 2018. at that time my wife will be 64. My question is can she start collecting on her own benefits on January 2018 and when she reaches FRA switch to my spousal benefits which supposedly will be much higher? Your input will be much appreciated and THANKS!!!


Monday, November 14, 2016 - 13:00

Can I Suspend My Own Benefits And Receive Survivor Benefits?

I will be 65 in Jan. My husband is 84. I had intended to file for spousal at my FRA 66 and let my own SS increase until 70. However my husband was just diagnosed with Stage 4 inoperable cancer. Prognosis is months not years. Can I file for my own SS now and then suspend my benefits when I receive survivors to allow it to increase until 70? Also can I retroactively file for the past 6 months?
Thank you.


I'm sorry to hear about your husband's illness.

Monday, November 14, 2016 - 12:30

Have You Run Simulations Based On Possible Future Changes In Social Security Law?

The various SS Optimization programs I've used all assume that the current benefit structure / payment promises remain in effect over ome's entire lifetime. But this is the same as assuming Congress modifies the SS payroll contributions to prevent the Trust Fund from running dry by 2034. Have you run simulations based on the SS Actuaries intermediate estimate of a 21% benefit drop after 2034? Does this significantly change the optimal claiming strategies?

Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 21:30

Can I Start My Benefits Now And Have My Husband Claim Spousal Benefits?

I turned 66 in May, 2016 and husband in June 2016. Neither have filed for benefits yet. Husband still working, I have modest earnings. We are confused as have gotten different asnwers from SS reps:
Can I start my benefits now and husband claim Spousal Benefits on my small amount?
Then, when husband stops working, can we switch, with no penalty, to him taking his full benefits and me as Spousal Benefits claim?

Thursday, November 10, 2016 - 08:30

What Is My Best Strategy?

I am a 59 year old widow of two deceased husbands. I was told through social security that at age 62 I may be entitled to partial social security from my most recent husband of 15, if I do not make too much. I was told at age 65 I can make as much as I want and collect his full social security benefits. Recently, I've been asked to remarry again this time to a gentleman who is retiring and will be receiving railroad retirement. How does this all effect benefits I should be getting in the near future.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 - 12:15
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