Ask Larry

With a younger wife and children, how should I file?

I'm 62 this year. My wife is 48 and does not work. We have 3 minor children 16, 14, 12. I do not plan to retire until I'm 66. No divorces for either and thank god all children healthy. My best option for social security? Thanks so much, Gary

Hi Gary, waiting until your FRA or even 70 to file for your retirement benefit might be the best option. However, it could be best to file now at 62 to allow child and child-in-care spousal benefits and then suspend at your FRA to earn delayed retirement credits between then and 70. Our software will calculate your optimal strategy and also let you game our various alternative what-if strategies to see how they compare to the maximized strategy. Thanks, John

Jun 26 2016 - 6:45pm
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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