I get pension under the old fed retirement and also worked for nys. My ssa was reduced by about haft and my fed pension by $700. Will we see justice done soon.
Hi. I'm not an expert on federal employee pensions, but if you receive a federal pension and if you didn't pay Social Security taxes on your federal earnings then the fact that your Social Security retirement benefits were reduced is probably correct. Based on the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), Social Security retirement and disability benefits are normally calculated using a less generous computation formula for people who also collect pensions based on their earnings that were exempt from Social Security taxes.
WEP has been part of the Social Security law since 1985, so I'd be very surprised if it is ever repealed or amended in any substantial manner. For more information about WEP and its exceptions, refer to the following Social Security publication: https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10045.pdf.
Best, Jerry