Ask Larry

WIll Social Security Start My Husband's Benefits Automatically At Age 70, Or Does He Need To Do Something?

Hi -- My 69 year old husband filed and suspended and I started collecting half of his benefits when I turned 66. He will be 70 on July 31. Our question is, does he have to notify the Social Security office or will his benefits begin automatically at age 70? Is there anything specific he needs to do? Thank you!


Since your husband has already applied for his benefits, Social Security should automatically reinstate his benefits effective with the month he reaches age 70 with no action on his part being necessary. If you're not sure that Social Security has your husband's correct bank information for direct deposit, you may want to check with them well in advance of his first payment. Due to the fact that your husband was born on July 31st, his benefit payments will almost certainly be scheduled to start on the 4th Wednesday in August.

Best, Jerry

May 10 2019 - 4:25pm
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