Ask Larry

Will Social Security Automatically Certify My Payments To The Railroad Retirement Board?

Will Social Security automatically certify my payments to the Railroad Retirement Board when I apply? I am the spouse of a retired railroad employee and currently draw Tier 1 and Tier 2 benefits from the RRB. I understand that I can apply at some point for my own Social Security which will be higher than the Tier 1 benefits. When I recently talked to a Social Security employee by phone, she did not know anything about this process and told me my benefit payment would come directly from SS. She was not familiar with certification to the RRB. She did say that I would be asked if I get benefits from the RRB. I am concerned that things will not go smoothly when I apply. When SS knows that I currently receive RR benefits, will they automatically initiate the certification to the RRB in processing my application?


Yes, if and when you file for Social Security benefits your benefits will first be certified to the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB). The RRB will then update their records and make the necessary adjustments to your Railroad Retirement (RR) benefits, and then certify the total amount of benefits to the Treasury department for payment. The net result is that you'll end up being paid the higher of your Social Security rate or your Tier 1 RR rate, plus your Tier 2 RR rate.

It sounds like you spoke with a Social Security employee who isn't involved with the claims process, but when you actually apply for benefits the claims representative assigned to your case will know what to do. Certifying your benefits to the RRB does result in a longer overall processing time, though, so you may want to apply for your Social Security benefits up to 4 months in advance if possible.

Best, Jerry

May 6 2020 - 2:57pm
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