Sister is a registered nurse and paid into Social Security for over 30 years. At age 60 she started receiving a railroad retirement from her husband that retired from the railroad. Will she be able to collect social security at age 62 which will be Jan 2020 since she has well over the 40 quarters to make her eligible for social security and medicare and the railroad retirement?
Your sister can claim Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62, but whenever she files for her Social Security benefits the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will offset her Tier 1 Railroad Retirement (RR) benefits dollar for dollar by the amount of her Social Security benefit. She couldn't get Medicare until age 65 unless she's disabled.
Also, if your sister files for her benefits at age 62, her benefit rate will be reduced for age. And, if she's still working there would be a limit on how much she could earn and still be paid benefits until she reaches full retirement age (
Best, Jerry