Ask Larry

Will I Now Get My Husband's Full Amount And Still Be Able To Postpone My Own Benefits Until Age 70?

My husband took social security at 62. I took ½ my husband’s social security at 66 (my FRA) and postponed taking mine until 70 (we’re both 1953 kids). My husband just passed away. I assume I’m entitled to 100% of what he was getting and the payment for me will be cancelled and I’ll still postpone mine until 70. Since we’re both receiving benefits, social security won’t give me estimates over the phone. Can you tell me if this sounds right. I know the SSA will take months and I’m just trying to plan. Thank you so much for your input.


I'm sorry for your loss.

Your assumption is basically accurate. Actually, though, what will happen is Social Security will automatically convert your spousal benefits to widow's benefits, which will be calculated as the higher of a) your husband's reduced Social Security retirement benefit rate, or b) 82.5% of your husband's primary insurance amount (PIA). In your case it sounds like that will be 82.5% of your husband's PIA, since his retirement benefit rate would be lower than that if he started drawing at age 62.

If your own benefit rate will be higher than your widow's rate, then you'd almost certainly want to continue drawing your widow's benefits until age 70, and then switch to your own higher rate. If your own benefit rate wouldn't be higher than your widow's rate even if you wait until age 70 to apply, then there's likely no reason to ever file for your own benefits. If you file for your own Social Security retirement benefits and if your own rate is lower than your widow's rate, then your retirement benefits would just offset your widow's benefits dollar for dollar.

Best, Jerry

Sep 17 2020 - 8:22am
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